Biology BSc

Year of entry

2024 course information

Open Days 2024

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UCAS code
Start date
September 2025
Delivery type
On campus
3 years full time
Work placement
Study abroad
Typical A-level offer
AAB (specific subject requirements)
Typical Access to Leeds offer
Full entry requirements

Course overview

Biology test tubes

From genes to behaviour and evolution to ecology, studying Biology at Leeds will provide you with a holistic understanding of the whole topic. Personalise your degree to match your needs as you progress, with options to pursue human biology, conservation, genetic engineering or any one of the other study areas the University of Leeds has to offer.

Biology has vital applications in current key global challenges. An ever-growing world population jeopardises the environment, while pressures on resources threaten endangered species and agricultural production. With your degree, you’ll be at the forefront of providing sustainable solutions.

Be part of the revolution in genomics, gene modification and biotechnology currently transforming the world. Equipped with the skills and knowledge of the fundamental biological processes, understand and drive forward science-based solutions to some of the world’s biggest issues.

This 3-year BSc can also be converted into an integrated Masters (MBiol) with an optional additional year of specialist training, to study advanced research topics and undertake your own extended research project.

Course highlights

  • Field course options include trips within the UK, Spain and South Africa, developing practical field-based skills in a wide range of habitats.

  • Access to visit and conduct research at the University’s state-of-the-art National Pig Centre.

  • Collaborate on your final year research project with an expert in the field. For example, you could study marine biology to better manage coral reefs threatened by climate change, understand how bees cooperate as social animals, or develop new ways to reduce the impact of invasive species on local ecosystems.
  • Build practical experience undertaking modules including practical genetics, parasitology and field course options.
  • Our year in industry programme allows you to gain experience working with organisations, developing new skills for your CV.
  • Experience life and learning in a different country through our study abroad programme, where you'll gain fresh perspectives and develop skills valued by employers.

  • The ongoing expansion of biosciences creates varied employment prospects and career opportunities.

Flexible degrees

Biology is a broad-based degree within the School of Biology that offers you flexibility throughout your time studying at Leeds.

All of our biology degree courses share the same set of compulsory modules in the first year. A key benefit of having a common first year is that at the end of year 1, there are opportunities to transfer onto degree courses in Zoology, Ecology and Conservation Biology and Genetics, subject to approval. Additional degree courses may be available depending on your academic background.

Biology or Biological Science?

Unsure of the difference between biology and biological sciences?


Your degree will be based in the Faculty of Biological Sciences, one of the largest centres for biological sciences research in the UK and home to cutting-edge research facilities. The course makes use of the UK’s largest and most advanced facility for research into pig nutrition, behaviour, welfare & health, and production systems, the National Pig Centre. This is part of the University’s research farm, where you can also learn about sustainable agriculture, while you can study plant biology in the Faculty’s extensive greenhouse and plant growth facilities.

You’ll also have access to field research stations based in Europe and Africa to help you learn about ecology and behaviour in natural surroundings while the city’s green spaces and nearby Yorkshire Dales National Park provide a range of habitats that support modules in ecology and behaviour. Clinical staff at St James hospital contribute to genetics courses and supervise final-year projects for students with interests in human genetics.

Ecology and Wildlife Conservation online course

Get a taste of Biology BSc with our exceptional online course, Ecology and Wildlife Conservation. Designed for anyone with an interest in the subject matter, this short course is particularly useful for high school students who would like to study Biology, Zoology, or Ecology and Conservation at University level.

With this two-week programme, you will discover how conservation biologists and the study of ecosystems can help protect wildlife and conserve the natural world. You’ll have the chance to explore the impact of wind farms on populations of seabirds, and investigate highly diverse ecosystems such as coral reefs.

Are you ready to take your first steps towards protecting our world’s incredible biodiversity?

Find out more

Click here for a full list of our online courses.

Wellbeing and support

The University of Leeds features an extensive network of excellent services dedicated to you and your wellbeing. We are here to help throughout your time in higher education, ensuring you have everything you need to succeed. For more information on the different facets of support you will have access to, please see our Wellbeing and Support page.


Accredited by The Royal Society of Biology

The BSc Biology (Industrial) variant of this course is accredited by The Royal Society of Biology.

Advanced Degree Accreditation by the Society recognises academic excellence in the biosciences, and highlights degrees that educate the research and development leaders and innovators of the future. The Advanced Accreditation criteria require evidence that graduates from the programme meet defined sets of learning outcomes, including gaining a substantial period of research experience.

This accreditation is also applicable to the following course variants: MBiol BSc Biology; MBiol BSc Biology (Industrial); MBiol BSc Biology (International).

Course details

The list shown below represents typical modules/components studied and may change from time to
time. Read more in our terms and conditions.

Most courses consist of compulsory and optional modules. There may be some optional modules omitted below. This is because they are currently being refreshed to make sure students have the best possible experience. Before you enter each year, full details of all modules for that year will be provided.

For more information and a list of typical modules available on this course, please read BSc Biology in the course catalogue.

Year 1

Compulsory modules

Living Planet (20 credits) – You’ll study the evolution and diversity of life, the key features that define each group and the role of those taxa in ecological processes. Each group of organisms will be linked to a major global challenge, including food security, disease, and wildlife conservation, to demonstrate how fundamental science informs important societal issues.

The Basis of Life (20 credits) – You’ll learn about the fundamental processes of life, identifying the key concepts that underpin the biological processes in all living organisms, from bacteria to elephants. On completion of the module, you’ll have a comprehensive grounding in the molecular basis of life from the atomic scale up to cells.

Practical Skills for Biology and Genetics (20 credits) – You’ll develop a broad range of standard laboratory skills, including routine calculations, analytical methods to quantify biochemical processes and techniques to study bio-molecular and genetic interactions. Practical sessions will address processes within the broader remit of biology and genetics and will include the fundamentals of good laboratory practice.

Research & Study Skills Level 1 (20 credits) – You’ll develop core research, scientific and study skills that will underpin your degree, gaining an in-depth understanding of the scientific process, formulation and testing of hypotheses and the use of scientific literature. Practical sessions will develop an appreciation of the nature of scientific data, quantitative analyses and solving analytical problems.

Introduction to Genetics (10 credits) – You’ll explore the different meanings of ‘genetics’ and how this concept has changed over time. More importantly, you will explore what genetics means for us as organisms. To what extent do genes determine our inheritance? How do our genes make us the distinct and unique organisms we are?

Coastal and Upland Habitats Field Course (10 credits) – You’ll take a combination of field studies at various sites on the Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland, followed by laboratory-based analysis to develop skills in sampling and monitoring field populations, and identification of diverse organisms. Projects will involve developing hypotheses related to their ecology and testing these using appropriate analytical techniques.

Using Biology to Feed the World (10 credits) – This module is about how knowledge derived from biological research is applied to and exploited in agriculture. You’ll study food production from animals, plants and microorganisms, the different systems of production, the use of biotechnology for crop improvement, the opportunities and challenges facing a changing world, and food security.

Optional modules

10 credits from the following

Introduction to Immunology (10 credits) – You’ll review fundamental immune mechanisms with a particular emphasis on human immunology and its relationship to health and disease. You'll discover how we protect ourselves from infection through our immune defences, and learn about the role of different types of leukocytes and antibodies.

Biology of the Mind (10 credits) – You’ll be introduced to the foundational neuroscience concepts of structure and function, and how systems level function emerges. These concepts will be explained using examples from the human nervous system in health and disease, and from the experimental approaches used in neuroscience research.

Exploring Whole Organism Biology in the Lab and Field (10 credits) – You'll learn core skills and techniques for biology and whole organism studies in the laboratory and field. Practical sessions will address processes at the whole organism and population level within the broader remit of biology, alongside whole organism studies in the laboratory and in the field.

The Microbial World (10 credits) – The module introduces you to the diversity of microbial life and viruses on this planet, with an emphasis on how we interact with microbes that are responsible for infections. You’ll explore how microorganisms interact with each other and how they influence more complex organisms, and how fungi, bacteria and viruses are safely manipulated.

Discovery Modules (Up to 10 credits) – Discovery modules give you the opportunity to broaden your academic experience and enhance your employability outside of your main subject area through developing a specific skill or pursuing a personal interest.

Year 2

Tailor your degree with a range of optional modules that include topics in ecology, human genetics, genomics, microbiology and parasitology. You’ll choose at least 40 credits of Biology options and up to 20 credits of other modules of your choice, including discovery modules.

Compulsory modules

How Plants Live (20 credits) – You’ll explore the importance of plants in their environments, covering basic physiology and metabolism and revealing key concepts of plant growth and development that enable plants to adapt within the environment. Topics include embryogenesis, meristems and postembryonic development, flower and seed development, model systems and research methodologies.

Research and Study Skills Level 2 (20 credits) – This module further develops the core research and scientific skills that were developed at level 1, helping you to prepare for your 3rd year research projects and beyond.

Evolution, Adaptation and Behaviour (20 credits) – The module allows you to explore how evolution unifies biology and the fascinating diversity of life on Earth. You’ll examine evolutionary processes to develop an understanding of adaptation to environments, across evolutionary time and in our rapidly changing world. The module takes animal behaviour as a specific field in which evolution and adaptation can be explored.

Optional modules

Optional modules are grouped into baskets of 20 credit modules and 10 credit modules.

List 1: Candidates will be required to study 20-60 credits from the following optional 20 credit modules:

Animal Physiology (20 credits) – You’ll focus on the normal functioning of a living organism and the study of the various systems used to regulate the internal environment. This module will introduce you to some of the core topics in animal physiology, such as endocrinology, reproduction, growth and development, digestive physiology, muscle, and environmental physiology.

Population, Community and Conservation Ecology (20 credits) – You’ll study the factors that control the distribution and abundance of different populations and introduce the application of these principles to population management. You’ll understand the interactions between species and their environment and the properties of ecological communities and the application of these principles to key challenges in ecology.

Urban Ecology and Conservation Field Course (20 credits) – In this field course, you’ll build on core conceptual material in ecology and conservation. You’ll learn about the value of biodiversity in an urban context, with a focus on the biodiversity and sustainability on campus and the University’s reduced carbon emissions commitments.

Omics and Big Data Biology (20 credits) – You’ll be introduced to omics-based approaches at the forefront of equipping biologists to overcome global challenges. You’ll also develop practical data-science skills in comparative genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics in order to conduct group-based and individual research projects.

Mediterranean Ecology Field Course (20 credits) – This course takes place at a field station in a semi-arid region of southern Spain. Working in small groups, you’ll explore the ecology, behaviour and adaptations of the unique flora and fauna found in this beautiful location, while engaging with some of the challenges that field ecologists face.

Medical Microbiology (20 credits) – You will gain a detailed understanding of important human viral and bacterial pathogens and methods of combatting these infections.

List 2: Candidates can choose to study up to 40 credits from the following optional 10 credit modules:

Human Populations (10 credits) - You’ll be provided with an evolutionary perspective on human origins. You’ll understand the genetic structure of human populations is explained, considering 'normal' variation, geographical variation and changes in human populations including growth migration, language and impact on the environment. You will cover pathology including descriptive epidemiology, classical statistical approaches to understanding cancer and the links between population biology and infectious agents. You will understand core concepts in human population biology including mutation, gene flow, natural selection, genetic drift, founder effects and genetic load.

Parasitology (10 credits) - You’ll be provided with an introduction to parasitology with an emphasis on those that cause diseases of medical and veterinary importance. The main content will be delivered through the use of specific examples including single-celled microparasites, such as Malaria, Toxoplasma, Trypanosoma, Leishmania, and Giardia, and macroparasites, such as Schistosoma, Ascaris, Geohelminths, and the Filarial Nematodes.

Introduction to Bioinformatics (10 credits) - You’ll be introduced to the basics of bioinformatics and the application of bioinformatics to many biological questions. The module shows how genomic data is stored and accessed to learn about any characterised gene or protein and how it links to resources on research. The approaches to modern phylogenetics are introduced and how bioinformatics is applied to drug discovery.

Sustainable Food Production (10 credits) - You'll explore both crop and animal production systems. You’ll review the evolution of farming biodiversity and the challenges we face in maximising production whilst safeguarding the environment.

Human Genetics (10 credits) - You’ll be introduced to the human genome, chromosomes and heredity with an emphasis on genetic disease and cancer. You will also learn about the impact of human genomics in the context of health and genetic counselling.

Chemotherapy (10 credits) - The basis of chemotherapy is selective toxicity, the use of agents to kill or suppress the growth of invading cells or infective organisms. This module will help you understand how these agents work. You will learn about the drugs used to treat cancer, bacterial, fungal and viral infections. In addition, immunosuppressant drugs and the chemotherapy of protozoal diseases such as malaria will also be discussed.

Discovery Modules (Up to 20 credits) - As well as the compulsory and optional modules that make up your programme of study, you may be able to choose something different to your main subject as a Discovery Module.

Year 3

In year 3 you can choose 60 credits of optional modules. Select a mixture of your favourite modules from module groupings:

  • Ecology, evolution and behaviour - includes how animal groups function as societies, and a series of research-led advanced topics modules in ecology and conservation science and behaviour
  • Physiology and genetics - includes teaching from clinical geneticists at St James hospital whilst other modules cover topics such as plant development and biotechnology and studying animal physiology in the context of agriculture

Compulsory modules

Plant Growth, Resources and Food Security (20 credits) – You’ll learn how crop plants are being improved to help address global threats associated with an increased requirement for food production under increased environmental pressures, providing sustainable solutions to global problems.

Biology Integrated Research Projects (40 credits) – You’ll conduct an independent research project that you choose from a wide range of topics, reflecting the breadth of research undertaken and the expertise of the lecturers on your course. Projects can be laboratory-based, field research, data analysis or literature-based investigations. The choice of projects reflects the diversity of biology, including molecular genetic studies, physiology, behaviour, marine biology and ecology and you’ll receive dedicated supervision from a leading expert in the area.

Optional modules

Optional modules are grouped into x2 lists by topic area and x1 10-credit module list:

List 1: Candidates will be required to study 20-40 credits from the following optional modules in ecology, evolution and behaviour:

Advanced Topics in Ecology (20 credits) – You’ll cover recent developments in ecological research. The module consists of subunits, taught by a researcher intimately involved with the research developments being discussed. It will provide you not only with a detailed understanding of key recent developments in ecology, but also with insights into the process of scientific research.

Advanced Topics in Behaviour: from sex to death (20 credits) – You’ll study how the behaviour of animals is adapted to their natural environment. The course will focus on animal behaviour from sex to death, covering topics such as: sexual selection, sperm competition, parental care and cannibalism. You’ll explore how parasites from malaria to cuckoos can manipulate the behaviour of their hosts.

Advanced Topics in Evolution (20 credits) – You’ll participate in group studies of advanced, research-led topics in evolution. Topics may include emerging infectious diseases, variation and speciation, and symbiosis providing a range of approaches to evolution, from molecular to ecological.

Advanced Topics in Conservation Science (20 credits) – You’ll explore contemporary and globally important topics in conservation, including biodiversity loss, urban biodiversity, the illegal wildlife trade, and climate change. You’ll also investigate current theories in conservation science, along with the mechanisms underlying global patterns in the distribution of animals and plants, with a particular focus on the responses of species to climate change.

Level 3 Field Course (South Africa) (20 credits) – This module offers you the opportunity to gain ecological experience in a diverse semi-arid area of Southern Africa. Large game is currently being re-introduced to this area, the result of which has been the creation of multiple adjacent sites each containing varying proportions of original African fauna. The intense two-week programme (in September before entry into Year 3) comprises a short project, lectures by staff and local experts covering geology, vegetation, birds, game management. Additional costs are required to cover flights and accommodation.

List 2: Candidates will be required to study 20-40 credits from the following optional modules in genetics and physiology:

Advanced Topics in Human Genetics and Epigenetics (20 credits) – You’ll gain a comprehensive insight into human genetics with an emphasis on disease. Specific topics discussed include telomere biology, epigenetics, DNA damage/repair, DNA recombination and genome integrity/stability.

Applied Genetics (20 credits) – You’ll be provided with an understanding of how the application of genetics can be used in therapeutic and crop development, including the techniques of genetic transformation. You’ll develop practical skills in genetic transformation supported by an in-depth understanding of the process and its applications and how genetic selection can be used to advance crop development.

Advanced Topics in Animal Science (20 credits) – In this module, you will explore innovations in nutritional technologies. Production of animals to meet increasing demand for animal protein is a significant contributor to environmental problems and addressing these challenges requires new technologies and innovations if production is to be sustainable.

Plant Development: Making a plant in theory and practice (20 credits) – You’ll cover the experimental approaches to understand modern plant science including the combination of molecular techniques with classical genetics to produce advances that would have been impossible without these approaches.

List 3: Candidates may choose up to 20 credits from the following optional modules:

Evolution and Population Genetics (10 credits) – You'll cover the nature of biological species and the roles of natural selection and drift in evolution and the attempts made and the problems encountered in interpreting genetic data to infer the history of populations (including human beings).

Animal Developmental Biology (10 credits) – How does a single cell (a fertilised egg) give rise to the diversity of complex tissues, forms and functions seen in adult animals? In this module you will explore this question by examining critical developmental processes (including regeneration in adults) in diverse animals.

Social Biology (10 credits) – This module explores the current research in the area of social biology. You’ll study aspects of social insect biology encompassing ecology, ecosystem services and evolutionary theory. This will be supported by lectures on other social animals, such as current research on social networks in vertebrates.

Discovery Modules (up to 20 credits) – Discovery modules give you the opportunity to broaden your academic experience and enhance your employability outside of your main subject area through developing a specific skill or pursuing a personal interest.

For more information and a list of typical modules available on this course, please read BSc Biology in the course catalogue.

Learning and teaching

Our teaching is delivered through a combination of lectures, tutorials and practicals (laboratory or field settings dependent on your degree). We take a student-centred approach to learning and so our teaching is designed to enable student engagement through active learning approaches that include creative problem-solving, team-work activities and mini-projects. In this way, you are able to apply the theoretical knowledge learnt to practical, real-life contexts. We put a high value on practical teaching and so a core part of your teaching will focus on developing hands-on practical and associated research skills.

Independent study is an important part of University learning and you will be expected to undertake private study. We will support you in becoming independent learners through our teaching approaches and through regular meetings with your personal tutor who is there to advise you academically.

We use a range of digital tools to enhance your learning. Through our Minerva learning management system, you will be able to access our extensive library of online materials, some of it designed specifically to support preparation prior to attending classroom sessions and discuss content with peers and teachers. In the classroom, educators use a variety of interactive digital tools to help you learn through discussion and debate. Laboratory practicals are accompanied by detailed online preparation guides and use of electronic laboratory notebooks to ensure you get the most out of your time and develop workplace skills. Field courses study the ecology, genetics, behaviour, development and adaptations of organisms in their natural environments.

On this course, you’ll be taught by our expert academics, from lecturers through to professors. You may also be taught by industry professionals with years of experience, as well as trained postgraduate researchers, connecting you to some of the brightest minds on campus.


We use a variety of assessment methods to help you develop a broad range of skills. These include practical work, data handling and problem-solving exercises, multiple-choice tests, group work, online and face-to-face discussion groups, computer-based simulations, essays, posters and oral presentations. We support students in their assessment journey through the provision of practice questions, sessions on how to complete assessment questions and feedback to support learning.

Entry requirements

A-level: AAB

Including biology and preferably another science or science-related subject. If biology is the only science subject then an A grade is required. Critical thinking and general studies excluded.

We accept the following:

  • Science: biology, human biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics.

  • Science-related: computing, environmental science, food science, geography, geology, PE, psychology, statistics.

Applicants taking a Science A-level (in England) will be required to achieve a pass in the practical element in addition to the standard A-level grade requirement.

When an applicant is taking any of the following:

  • Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

  • Cambridge International Project Qualification (Cambridge IPQ)

  • Core Maths (if A-level Maths or Further Maths isn't studied as a full A-level)

  • AS Maths (if A-level Maths or Further Maths isn't studied as a full A-level)

  • Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate

It will be considered alongside A-levels and may attract an alternative offer in addition to the standard offer. If you are taking A-levels, this would be a 1 grade drop from the standard offer. For example an A in one of the above qualifications with ABB at A-level (BSc applicants).

GCSE: Grade 6 (B) or above at GCSE maths and Grade 4 (C) or above at GCSE English. The Faculty of Biological Sciences will accept Level 2 Functional Skills as equivalent to C/4 in GCSE English.

Alternative qualification

Access to HE Diploma

Pass 60 credits overall with 45 credits at Level 3, graded at D39M6P0 including distinctions in biology and mathematics or chemistry. Accept Access courses in Applied Science and Science. Will also consider (depending on subject content):

  • biochemical sciences

  • biological and environmental science

  • biological and health science

  • biological sciences

  • biosciences

  • combined sciences

  • environmental science

  • life and biological science

  • life science

  • medical and health science professions

  • natural sciences

  • physical & natural sciences.

We do not accept Access to HE.


Applicants with BTEC qualifications (Diploma or Extended Diploma) are required to have A2 level biology (maths, chemistry and physics may be acceptable alternatives depending on the BTEC subject). Distinctions in the BTEC subject and an A or B grade (BTEC subject dependent) for the A-level subject are required.

Applicants with BTEC Subsidiary Diploma qualifications must have at least 2 A2 levels and at least one of these must be in biology.

We do not accept BTEC qualifications.

Cambridge Pre-U

D3/D3/M1 including biology and preferably another science or science-related subject. If biology is the only science subject then a D3 grade will be required. Global Perspectives excluded.

D3/D3/D3 including biology and preferably another science subject. Global Perspectives excluded.

When an applicant is taking Global Perspectives this can be considered alongside Pre-U subjects and may attract an alternative offer in addition to the standard offer. This would be D3/M1/M1 and grade D3 in Global Perspectives (BSc applicants) or D3/D3/M1 and grade D3 in Global Perspectives (MBiol applicants).

International Baccalaureate

BSc: 31 overall with 6,6,5 at higher level including Biology and preferably another science or science-related subject. If Biology is the only science at higher level, a 6 will be required.

MBiol: 31 overall 6,6,6 at higher level including Biology and preferably another science or science-related subject. If Biology is the only science at higher level, a 6 will be required.

Irish Leaving Certificate (higher Level)

H2,H2,H2,H2,H3,H3 including H2 in biology and preferably another science or science-related subject at higher level.

H2,H2,H2,H2,H2,H2 including biology and preferably another science or science-related subject at higher level.

Scottish Highers / Advanced Highers

Advanced Higher: 5 x Highers AABBB, with AB in 2 Advanced Highers including biology and preferably another science or science-related subject. General studies and critical thinking excluded. If biology is the only science subject then an A grade is required.

Advanced Higher: 5 x Highers AABBB, with AA in 2 Advanced Highers including biology and preferably another science or science-related subject. General studies and critical thinking excluded.

  • Science subjects include: biology, human biology, chemistry, maths and physics.

  • Science-related subjects include: computing, environmental science, geography, geology, P.E, psychology, science in society, statistics, food science and use of maths.

Scottish Higher: Scottish Highers not accepted on their own.

Read more about UK and Republic of Ireland accepted qualifications or contact the School’s Undergraduate Admissions Team.

Alternative entry

We’re committed to identifying the best possible applicants, regardless of personal circumstances or background.

Access to Leeds is a contextual admissions scheme which accepts applications from individuals who might be from low income households, in the first generation of their immediate family to apply to higher education, or have had their studies disrupted.

Find out more about Access to Leeds and contextual admissions.

Typical Access to Leeds offer

Specific A Level subjects required – see entry requirement section above.

GCSE: Grade 6 (B) or above at GCSE maths and Grade 4 (C) or above at GCSE English.

Access to Leeds: Pass

International Foundation Year

International students who do not meet the academic requirements for undergraduate study may be able to study the University of Leeds International Foundation Year. This gives you the opportunity to study on campus, be taught by University of Leeds academics and progress onto a wide range of Leeds undergraduate courses. Find out more about International Foundation Year programmes.

English language requirements

IELTS 6.0 overall, with no less than 5.5 in any component. . For other English qualifications, read English language equivalent qualifications.

Improve your English
If you're an international student and you don't meet the English language requirements for this programme, you may be able to study our undergraduate pre-sessional English course, to help improve your English language level.


UK: To be confirmed

International: £32,250 (per year)

Tuition fees for UK undergraduate students starting in 2024/25
Tuition fees for UK full-time undergraduate students are set by the UK Government and will be £9,250 for students starting in 2024/25.

The fee may increase in future years of your course in line with inflation only, as a consequence of future changes in Government legislation and as permitted by law.

Tuition fees for UK undergraduate students starting in 2025/26
Tuition fees for UK full-time undergraduate students starting in 2025/26 have not yet been confirmed by the UK government. When the fee is available we will update individual course pages.

Tuition fees for international undergraduate students starting in 2024/25 and 2025/26
Tuition fees for international students for 2024/25 are available on individual course pages. Fees for students starting in 2025/26 will be available from September 2024.

Tuition fees for a study abroad or work placement year
If you take a study abroad or work placement year, you’ll pay a reduced tuition fee during this period. For more information, see Study abroad and work placement tuition fees and loans.

Read more about paying fees and charges.

There may be additional costs related to your course or programme of study, or related to being a student at the University of Leeds. Read more on our living costs and budgeting page.

Scholarships and financial support

If you have the talent and drive, we want you to be able to study with us, whatever your financial circumstances. There is help for students in the form of loans and non-repayable grants from the University and from the government. Find out more in our Undergraduate funding overview.

The Faculty of Biological Sciences offer a range of scholarships for UK, EU and International students. Find out more about our scholarships


Apply to this course through UCAS. Check the deadline for applications on the UCAS website.

International students apply through UCAS in the same way as UK students. Our network of international representatives can help you with your application. If you’re unsure about the application process, contact the admissions team for help.

Read about visas, immigration and other information in International students. We recommend that international students apply as early as possible to ensure that they have time to apply for their visa.

Admissions guidance

Visit our admissions guidance page for more information about applying to undergraduate courses in the Faculty of Biological Sciences.

Application process

The Faculty of Biological Sciences may consider applications submitted after this date. Availability of courses in UCAS Extra will be detailed by UCAS at the appropriate stage in the cycle.

Alternative Entry Scheme for mature applicants

As per the information detailed in the corresponding section of the University of Leeds Taught Admissions Policy the Faculty of Biological Sciences will consider prospective students via the Alternative Entry Scheme run by the Lifelong Learning where appropriate applicants will be referred to the Lifelong Learning Centre, who will advise the applicant further.

Admissions policy

University of Leeds Admissions Policy 2025

Contact us

Faculty of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Admissions Office


Career opportunities

As well as providing you with subject-specific knowledge, we aim to equip you with the best possible skills for a variety of future careers. All our degrees have a strong emphasis on practical-based teaching, small group teaching, online learning and problem-solving.

Throughout the degree, you’ll gain a wide range of transferable skills which are highly valued by employers. Supported by the faculty student opportunity team, Leeds for Life scheme and your academic and personal tutor, you’ll be ideally placed to focus on your personal development and make the most of your time at university.

Our graduates have, for many years, experienced high employment rates and a large proportion quickly gain employment upon graduation. With the expansion of biosciences comes the generation of new and varied career opportunities. The skills and knowledge you develop will be relevant to biology-related careers as well as broader opportunities after graduation.

Typical graduate careers include:

  • academic researcher

  • environmental consultant

  • marine Biologist

  • secondary school teacher

  • medical writer

  • clinical Scientist, eg with the NHS

  • nature conservation officer.

Examples of recent graduate destinations include:

  • MSc Biodiversity & Conservation

  • PhD Biological Sciences

  • Physician Associate

  • Regulatory Affairs Assistant

  • Trainee Clinical Scientist

  • PGCE Secondary Science (Biology)

  • Accountancy.

Careers support

We have a dedicated student opportunity team in the Faculty of Biological Sciences who work closely with the University’s Careers Centre.

We offer numerous opportunities in addition to volunteering and placements. This includes our annual student-alumni networking event, where graduates are invited back to talk about their work and network with our students, and our STEM Careers Fair. The fair is an amazing opportunity for you to meet bioscience employers, such as AstraZeneca, Labcorp, GSK, Nuffield and NHS Ecological consultancies. You will be able to speak to alumni, attend workshops and more.

We encourage you to prepare for your career from day one. That’s one of the reasons Leeds graduates are so sought after by employers.

Leeds for Life is our unique approach to helping you make the most of University by supporting your academic and personal development. Find out more at the Leeds for Life website.

The Careers Centre and staff in your faculty provide a range of help and advice to help you plan your career and make well-informed decisions along the way, even after you graduate. Find out more about Careers support.

Study abroad and work placements

Study abroad

On this course you have the opportunity to apply to spend time abroad, usually as an extra academic year. We have over 300 University partners worldwide and popular destinations for our students include Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Africa and Latin America. 

Find out more at the Study Abroad website.

If you choose to undertake a study abroad option, you will spend the third year of your course studying abroad. This will extend your studies by 12 months.

Work placements

Practical work experience can help you decide on your career and improve your employability. On this course you have the option to apply to take a placement year module with organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors in the UK, or overseas.

Find out more about work experience on the Careers website.

Industrial placements are taken after your second year. This will extend your studies by 12 months. For your work placement in industry, the staff at Leeds will help you with your CV and recruitment process and provide details of organisations.

Placements abroad are possible. We work together with your industrial supervisors to make sure you get the most out of this year. A year working in industry gives you an excellent opportunity to get used to the demands of the world of work, to develop new skills and to augment your CV.

Combined study and working abroad

Our new module allows you to combine both a study abroad and industrial work placement into one additional year of study. Over the year you will study for a semester at one of our partner universities and complete an industrial work placement for 6 months abroad or in the UK.

Find out more about Combined study and work abroad.

Field courses

One of the most exciting aspects of our degrees is the range of opportunities for fieldwork on offer. Field courses offer valuable opportunities to apply your knowledge and practical research skills outside of the lab, so we offer the option of a field course in every year.

One of the most exciting aspects of our degrees is the range of opportunities for fieldwork on offer. Field courses offer valuable opportunities to apply your knowledge and practical research skills outside of the lab, so we offer at least the option of a field course in every year.

Year 1: Coastal & Upland Habitats Field Course

You will take a combination of field studies at various sites on the Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland, followed by laboratory-based analysis to develop skills in sampling and monitoring field populations, and identification of diverse organisms. Projects will involve developing hypotheses related to their ecology and testing these using appropriate analytical techniques.

Year 2: Urban Ecology and Conservation Field Course

Optional module: This interactive field course is designed to build upon your knowledge of ecology and conservation, in addition to exploring the value of biodiversity in a stimulating urban context. You will focus on the biodiversity, sustainability and reduced carbon emissions commitments around the University of Leeds.

Year 3: South Africa Field Course

Optional module: Based at the Shamwari Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. The area is rich in plants, birds and mammals (including the ‘big five’ – elephant, rhino, buffalo, lion and leopard). Group projects designed by the students centre on the theme of a ‘landscape of fear’, and there are also guest lectures by local experts, a bird diary to complete, night drives in safari vehicles and a boat trip to watch birds and sometimes even whales.

Student profile: Nazatul Awang Abd Ghani

There's lots of hands-on practicals, interesting and relevant lecture topics, helpful and approachable lecturers. One module in my second year had a field trip to a farm which was really fun.
Find out more about Nazatul Awang Abd Ghani's time at Leeds