Psychology BSc

Year of entry

2024 course information

Open Days 2024

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UCAS code
Start date
September 2025
Delivery type
On campus
3 years full time
Work placement
Study abroad
Typical A-level offer
AAA (specific subject requirements)
Typical Access to Leeds offer
Full entry requirements

Course overview

BSc Pschology

Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behaviour, covering a wide range of human thoughts, feelings and behaviour. The field of psychology has the potential for profound beneficial impacts on people and societies, such as how we make decisions about our medical care, how technology influences our lives, why many of us suffer with poor mental health and many, many more. There are many unanswered questions and the need for new psychological research and knowledge is extensive. At the University of Leeds, you can be part of this process through engaging in your own research with academic experts.

By studying psychology at Leeds you will be engaged in a scientific approach to learning about human behaviour and the thoughts, feelings and motivations behind it. You’ll become absorbed by major psychological issues including, but not limited to, healthy living, childhood development, ageing and memory. Importantly, you will also develop skills in the practical applications of research-derived psychology knowledge to solving real world problems.

As a psychology student you will learn through a combination of teaching methods while studying core areas of psychology, including biological psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, and social psychology. You will also actively engage in research activity and data analysis. Our courses are specifically designed to encourage active learning through a variety of teaching delivery methods. These will support your development as a critical thinker, independent learner and global citizen, and ensure you’re ready for the challenges beyond university.

A dedicated personal tutoring system supports your personal and academic development, to ensure you have the skills and attributes to succeed. These personal tutorials, delivered by academic staff in the School of Psychology, are an integral part of the pastoral and academic support for all students.

One of the key aims of the School is to move forward with the development of our students as global citizens. We want you to use your education to address fundamental global questions, such as social justice, climate change, cultural conflict, sustainable development, and diversity. We want you to feel equipped with the skills, knowledge and motivation to tackle these issues in your lives and careers, creating a better and fairer future for everyone.

Why Leeds?

At Leeds, we want you to move from keen learners to global citizens. We want to ensure you’re ready to take on the challenges of the 21st century by equipping you with the skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to apply everything you have learned. This will ensure you can make a difference in whatever career you pursue beyond university.

We offer high-quality research-led teaching, and you’ll be actively encouraged to engage in ongoing research. Much of this research is collaborative with government departments, research councils, the NHS and industry. We offer a lively learning environment with modern facilities for teaching and research, which aims to produce graduates equipped with current knowledge and the ability to apply this knowledge to different populations.

On our courses, you'll be taught and supervised by subject experts at the forefront of current research; these experts are actively publishing in their areas of expertise. This gives you the opportunity to learn from those currently working with the NHS, industry, and charities to improve educational, developmental, clinical, and health outcomes, giving you widespread opportunities to experience how psychological research can be applied to solve real world problems.

The option of a year abroad provides unique exposure to different ways of studying and applying psychology, as well as stimulating opportunities for personal development. Alternatively, a year in industry is a fantastic opportunity to develop and learn a range of new skills, put academic theory into practice, and develop your understanding of the world of work.

Psychology graduates are highly and diversely skilled, meaning they are well suited to a number of careers and are attractive to a range of employers. Our students go on to be involved in highly-skilled roles in Business, Public Service, Forensics and Education.

Our facilities

We have over 70 members of academic, research and support staff, including 12 Professors. The School is renowned for high-quality research, much of it in collaboration with government departments, research councils, the NHS and industry.

The School of Psychology has excellent facilities to support your learning and to allow you to participate andhelp you conduct novel research. We have dedicated computer laboratories, a range of neuroimaging equipment – including EEG and fNRIS for measuring the brain's activity –, the human appetite research unit with its state-of-the-art facilities, and exceptionally well- resourced libraries. These giveing you access to contemporary research outputs within the discipline, to enable your learning and understanding to be informed by the latest work in the subject.

In addition to this, there is a wide range of other specialised equipment to support research and teaching. We offer a lively learning environment with modern facilities for teaching and research, as well as a comfortable student lounge. The size of the School and range of its activities combine to provide a varied and exciting environment in which to study and work.


Accredited by The British Psychological Society

All practising psychologists and Chartered Psychologist must have a British Psychological Society accredited degree and a postgraduate qualification and be registered with the Health and Care Professionals (HCPC). This course is your first step towards achieving these and having a rewarding career. Psychologists support people with all sorts of problems and apply their expertise and knowledge to help in many areas of society, including coping with bereavement, dealing with trauma and understanding psychosis and schizophrenia. Psychologists practise in a variety of roles including Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, Clinical Associates in Applied Psychology, Assistant Psychologists and National Assessors.

Course details

The Psychology BSc offers rigorous training in all aspects of research practice. You will graduate with exceptional skills in practical and theoretical aspects of the discipline, which will equip you for the world beyond university.

We emphasise research-based learning, and you'll have the opportunity to work closely with academics within their research groups. This will give you excellent experience of real-world cutting-edge research, as well as the opportunity to develop essential skills and attributes.

You will study classic psychological work as well as contemporary research into the nature and determinants of human behaviour, from the neuronal level to the level of society and culture. You will explore psychological processes beneath everyday behaviour – such as social cognition, memory, language and appetite – and consider how psychology can improve people’s health, wellbeing and lives. You will learn how to conduct and evaluate high-quality psychological research, and how to professionally communicate its outcomes to a wide range of audiences.

The course offers a combination of training in sub-areas of the discipline and in research methods, as well as the conducting of research. Modules are designed to explore both research-led and applied perspectives across all areas of psychology.

While studying at Leeds, you will have the opportunity to carry out a substantial research project, closely supervised by an academic expert. This project will not only develop your research, writing, analytical and other employment-relevant skills to a high level; it will also allow you to focus on your own area of interest.

Level 1

In Level 1, modules include developmental, social, cognitive and biological approaches to human and animal behaviour. These modules are designed to provide you with the foundational knowledge of psychological research, theories and models. You will study research skills, which involves conducting and writing up psychological research. You will also have the opportunity to study a 10-credit elective module from any department within the University, including some in psychology.

Level 2

In Level 2 you will progress to more advanced material, building on the knowledge and skills you acquired in Level 1. Modules at this stage include advanced developmental psychology, neuroscience, advanced cognitive psychology and advanced social psychology. You will also conduct lengthier pieces of research under supervision, but with increasing autonomy.

These modules cover contemporary research and theory. You will be assessed by assignments that not only test your understanding of psychology, but also develop your skills and attributes to equip you for both Level 3 and life beyond university. You will choose a 10-credit elective module from any department within the University.

Level 3

In Level 3, by working closely with a member of academic staff, you will conduct a major piece of research in psychology. This will bring together all your knowledge of psychology and research design and analyses, and produce a novel piece of research work. You will have a wide choice of optional modules, from which you must choose four.

These modules are in three groups: Health/Social Psychology, Biological Psychology and Cognitive Psychology. You must take at least one module from each group to ensure you retain the breadth of education required by the British Psychological Society.

Year 1 compulsory modules

Module Name Credits
Research Skills 1 20
Research Skills 2 20
Developmental Psychology 10
Social Psychology 10
Cognitive Psychology 10
Perception 10
Psychology at Leeds 10
Biological Approaches to Human and Animal Behaviour 20

Year 2 compulsory modules

Module Name Credits
Psychological Disorders 10
Advanced Social Psychology 10
Advanced Developmental Psychology 10
Individual Differences 10
Research Skills 3 15
Research Skills 4 15
Memory and Language 10
Perception, Action and Cognition 10
Neuroscience 20

Year 3 compulsory modules

Module Name Credits
Major Project 30

Level 1

Compulsory modules

Development Psychology (20 credits) – This module provides you with an overview of basic knowledge across developmental psychology. It explores a wide range of topics, theoretical perspectives and research approaches. Through lectures and workshops you will become critically aware of research and theories, along with the applications of Developmental Psychology to different real-world situations. 

Cognitive Psychology (20 credits) – This module gives you an overview of fundamental cognitive psychology. It explores its history and development, research findings and theories developed from these findings, as well as associated research methodologies. Lectures will provide key information to you about these topics, while workshops are designed to support your critical thinking, application of research findings and group working skills.  

Research Skills and Statistics (20 credits) – This module introduces you to research methods and statistics in psychology. Lectures provide details of theory and practice, and will introduce you to research methodologies and approaches. These will be accompanied with computer-based learning sessions, small-group seminars, and practical sessions. The sessions also present an opportunity for you to practise calculating statistical tests.  

Biological Psychology (20 credits) – Brain functioning underlies human and animal behaviour, and is critical to understanding psychological phenomena. This module will outline the biological basis of behaviour, and will be applied to different psychology topics, such as intelligence, reproductive behaviour, and perception. Complementary research perspectives – such as neuroscience, neuropsychology, evolutionary and comparative approaches – will also be discussed. This module will pay close attention to relevant ethical and historical aspects.

Social Psychology (20 credits) – This module introduces you to social psychology theory, research, and practice. It includes key theoretical approaches, as well as critical evaluation and real-world applications. You will be introduced to social psychological approaches to real-world problems (eg misinformation online, healthy behaviour and mental health) and consider how a health or social approach can develop psychological understanding and intervention.

Applied Research in Psychology (10 credits) – This module aims to develop your research literacies in an applied context. The module will be centred around topics relevant to your own lived experiences in Higher Education, covering topics such as emotional responses to feedback, imposter syndrome and identity at university. Students will develop applied research skills, by designing a research project addressing the above topics.

Optional modules

Discovery module (10 credits)

Level 2

Compulsory modules

Neuroscience (20 credits) – This module explores neuroscience – the study of the nervous system, with a particular focus on the brain. It considers how neuroscientific knowledge and theory inform experimental work addressing real-world problems. It also considers challenges facing neuroscience, and critically draws upon contemporary issues in research development and implementation science.  

Advanced Social Psychology (20 credits) –This module covers advanced topics and research applications in social psychology. You will discuss the ways psychologists are trying to understand social behaviour, cognition and attitudes, and apply these in practice – covering contexts like culture, sport, the workplace and education. Lectures will build upon ideas covered in Social Psychology at Level 1 to develop your understanding of how social psychology can be applied. 

Research Skills and Statistics (20 credits) – This module builds on core learning from Level 1 research methods. It allows you to develop a range of methodological, critical thinking and communication skills, with some emphasis on developing and testing individuals’ own ideas. This will help you to prepare for Final Year projects and beyond.

Advanced Developmental Psychology (20 credits) – This module introduces advanced topics and methods in the field of developmental psychology. It explores a range of issues to show the ways psychologists are trying to understand complexities in infancy, childhood and adult development across our lifespans, and put these into practice. You’ll look at typical developmental processes as well as neurodevelopmental disorders and individual differences, which will help you to build your knowledge and understanding of the field. 

Advanced Cognitive Psychology (20 credits) –This module introduces you to the background of cognitive research, before moving on to explore advanced topics in cognitive psychology. In each case, you’ll consider both classic and cutting-edge theories and research methods and explore links to neuropsychology. Key features of the module include how cognitive processes may be interrelated, and how we can apply knowledge from research to real world problems. 

Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology (10 credits) – This module introduces you to the key ideas of qualitative research methods in psychology. It will consist of two main teaching blocks: one on qualitative research theory, and one on qualitative research practice. In each block you will have weekly lectures where you will be introduced to theory and content, and weekly small-group practical classes where you will practice and develop relevant skills.

Optional modules

Discovery module (10 credits)

Compulsory modules

Major Project (40 credits) – Working directly with an academic supervisor, this module gives you hands-on experience of planning, designing, and conducting psychological research. In conjunction with the supervisor, you will identify and design a study to investigate a research question. You’ll be required to design and conduct the study, to use appropriate techniques for data analysis and to produce a final written report in line with discipline standards.

Health and Social Psychology

Health Psychology (20 credits) – This module will introduce the biopsychosocial model and explore how health psychology theories, approaches and research can help improve our understanding, prevention and treatment of health and illness in contemporary society. It will examine a wide range of topics including how stress can influence health and illness, personality and health, pain and perception, self-affirmation and health, and the psychology of suicide.

Applied Psychology: Intervention Design (20 credits) – Psychology has the potential to deliver considerable benefits to society. This module explores how psychological knowledge and theory can inform effective behaviour change interventions addressing real-world problems. It draws up contemporary work in behaviour change, intervention development and implementation science. The module is delivered as Problem-based Learning, allowing you to develop valuable research-specific and transferable skills.

Occupational Health Psychology (20 credits) –The module aims to introduce you to the relevant psychological theories and evidence which form the evidence base for occupational health. This includes theories relating to work stress, work scheduling, work-life balance and health promotion at work. We will encourage practical application of theoretical issues via group work based on worksite experience and/or case studies.

Clinical Psychology: Cognitive Behavioural Formulation for Disorders (20 credits) –This module aims to introduce the background to Clinical Psychology as a profession, outline the remit of Clinical Psychology, and introduce the concept of psychological formulation. You will examine the evidence regarding the precipitants, causes and maintaining factors for several psychological disorders, and you will learn how to utilise models to formulate information from case studies.

Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Psychology (20 credits) – This module will explore the philosophical conceptions beneath our view of the mind, and how these have changed over time. It will also focus on questions of scientific method, and how different approaches to psychological method have developed in tandem with our changing conceptions of the mind.

Applied Social Psychology (20 credits) – This module considers applied approaches to understanding, predicting, and changing behaviour in a range of domains. These include health, environment, politics, consumer, education, safety, transport, occupational and legal. Lectures cover our current understanding of key influences on our behaviours, with each one given by experts in specific areas. Expect both an overview and detailed coverage of recent cutting-edge research.

Work Psychology: Applying Theory to Practice in the Workplace (20 credits) –This module provides an introduction to the applied field of Work Psychology. It is structured around a number of fundamental workplace issues that commonly require psychological expertise, including enhancing team performance, organisational culture, assessment and training, and development. You will have the opportunity to apply core module content to practical problems through group work tasks, self-directed research and group problem-solving.

Feminist Social Psychology (20 credits) – Feminist psychologists provide an alternative perspective on mainstream social psychology, critically advocating for issues such as gender roles, intersectionality, activism, and creative approaches to research. In this module you will cover a broad range of feminist social psychology topics, engage in critical and interactive discussions and debates, and consider how psychology content can inform activism and policy.

Biological Psychology

The Biopsychology of Human Appetite (20 credits) – This course of lectures will comprise a survey of recent evidence and current thinking on the control of food intake and the regulation of body weight. You will explore how events beneath the skin and outside the skin interact, the ways in which feeding behaviour links these two domains, and how what we eat helps us meet the demands of various environments. The major aim of the course will be to develop a framework for developing behavioural patterns, and for understanding clinical problems around feeding and body weight.

The Spatial World (20 credits) – This research-oriented module will address the fundamental issue of how humans and other animals successfully interact with the world around them, with particular emphasis on the skills of locomotion and navigation control. The main elements of this module examine how sensory information is processed (with reference to the underlying brain structures), and how our current understanding of brain structures shapes our view of how animals interact with the world. You will identify commonalities (and differences) between ants, bees, bats, falcons and humans. There is also an opportunity to explore the deficits in spatial cognition that occur in humans as we age, and for those who have experienced brain damage (i.e. post-stroke).

Techniques in Human Neuropsychology (20 credits) –This module is designed to be applied, so your knowledge can be put to practical use. It will guide you through understanding how different brain imaging and stimulation systems work, in order to acknowledge their ultimate application in the real world of clinical medicine and research. It is a challenging module, and ideal for those wanting to pursue their interest in the brain and neuropsychology further.

Criminological Psychology: Violence, Drugs and Sex (20 credits) – This module aims to advance your understanding of criminological psychology, with specific reference to the nature of violent, sexual and drug crime and those with offending histories. It examines crime prevalence, delinquency and theories about normal and criminal behaviour, before going on to consider assessment and treatment of offenders. This lets you anticipate key challenges for the field, as a scientific discipline with practical applications will be the overarching framework for the module.

The Biopsychology of Human Energy Balance (20 credits) – This module aims to provide in depth coverage of empirical, methodological conceptual and theoretical issues relating to The Biopsychology of Human Energy Balance. The module will be taught by experts in the subject. You will develop their knowledge in this area, with particular emphasis on relevant research.

Politics on the Brain (20 credits) – Understanding the neuroscience behind how we process social information is critical in understanding the mechanisms that underpin political attitudes, behaviours and intolerance. This module introduces the structures and functions in the brain related to socio-political information processing, tapping into interesting questions such as: who on the political spectrum is intolerant? Do humans have neural circuitry dedicated solely to processing social information? It also offers the chance to consider how and if neuroscientific evidence can (or should) inform policy.

Cognitive Psychology

Reasoning and Decision Making (20 credits) –This module aims to provide in-depth coverage of the issues relating to reasoning and decision making, covering topics such as conditional reasoning, hypothesis testing and induction and decision making, as well as the impact of emotion and mood on these processes. It places emphasis on theoretical models of these processes, drawing clear distinctions between prescriptive and descriptive accounts of human rationality, with explicit links to real-world applications.

The Psychology of Eyewitness Testimony (20 credits) – This module will explore the reliability of eyewitness testimony, which remains a primary concern for the criminal justice system. For some time, psychologists have investigated the conditions under which eyewitness testimony may be mistaken and have drawn on psychological evidence to promote safeguards to reduce the likelihood of eyewitness error. We consider relevant issues in relation to two specific topics within eyewitness memory research: memory for faces and child witnesses’ memory for events.

One Brain, Two Hemispheres (20 credits) – In this module, you will specialise in conceptual and theoretical issues relating to hemispheric lateralisation and inter-hemispheric interaction.

Development of Language and Literacy (20 credits) – This module aims to give you an insight into the acquisition and development of language and literacy from childhood and into adulthood. It will be of particular relevance to students interested in careers where an understanding of language is necessary, such as speech & language, occupational therapy, areas of clinical and educational psychology and both primary and secondary school teaching. You will be encouraged to engage with primary research literature relating to each topic area.

Cognition and Emotion (20 credits)– The module will examine the contemporary scientific study of cognition and emotion. The contribution from experimental psychology, neuropsychology and clinical psychology to this field of study will be considered. You will examine current research papers alongside seminal work, allowing for the understanding of both state of the art and the development of the discipline.

Biopsychosocial Issues in Ageing (20 credits) – This module examines a number of key issues facing people as they grow older, taking a biopsychosocial approach. You will discuss changing physical and sensory capabilities, health and functioning and what this means for longevity, as well as how all these impact cognitive performance. Mental health, social care (including the environment in which you grow old) and coping with grief and bereavement will provide a more psychosocial perspective. You will also be exposed to a broad understanding of the Psychology of Ageing and the wide variety of challenges we might face growing old.

The Psychology of Faces (20 credits) –In this module you will explore topics such as how we recognise a face and facial expressions. You will consider what underlies facial attractiveness, how accurate we are at recognising criminals, and whether automatic face recognition technology can be trusted. You will also consider whether face perception research is inclusive and diverse, and what implications this has for our understanding of face perception. You will consider research from different perspectives, such as psychology, neuroscience and evolutionary psychology.

Learning and teaching

The School of Psychology uses a variety of teaching methods including lectures, seminars, workshops, presentations, problem-based learning and small group discussions. It also offers one-to-one support to deliver a contemporary, world-class experience, and develop students into engaged, active learners. This ensures you’ll be capable of applying your skills and knowledge to benefit society.

On this course you’ll be taught by our expert academics, from lecturers through to professors. You may also be taught by industry professionals with years of experience, as well as trained postgraduate researchers, connecting you to some of the brightest minds on campus.

The University has extremely well-resourced libraries and access to publications to support your learning, as well state-of -the-art educational software, preparing you for the 21st century beyond university. The School also offers many opportunities for you to engage with contemporary psychology, including attending seminars by guest speakers and by volunteering for short-term research posts An academic member of staff will be your personal tutor throughout your studies.

There are a number of volunteering opportunities to get involved in with such as our Peer Mentoring Scheme, PsychU (widening access for schools), our School magazine “Psynapse”, course representation and the Leeds University Union Psychology Society. All these volunteering activities are HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Record) recognised meaning that a certificate is issued at graduation.

On this course you’ll be taught by our expert academics, from lecturers through to professors. You may also be taught by industry professionals with years of experience, as well as trained postgraduate researchers, connecting you to some of the brightest minds on campus.


You will be assessed through innovative forms of assessment such as group work, short reports, individual and group presentations, research and clinical protocols, systematic reviews, case studies, blogs, podcasts, and research projects alongside exams and essays to develop your skills, with increasing emphasis on authentic, flexible and co-created assessments as we develop our course in line with the University of Leeds’s student education strategy.

This range of assessments is designed to assess your understanding and application of psychology, but also to develop your essential workplace skills, engage you with central aspects of the discipline, requiring you to analyse and synthesise contemporary research-based knowledge and present it in a coherent manner in a variety of formats. Using this range of assessment methods allows us to use tasks that are suitable for the learning outcomes of specific modules, and to keep you enthused and excited by the approaches employed. Where possible, we encourage co-creation within our modules, allowing you to focus on aspects of particular interest, supported by our academics.

Entry requirements

A-level: AAA to include one or more of: psychology, geography, mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, geology, economics, statistics, environmental science or computing.

A-levels in critical thinking, citizenship studies and general studies do not typically form part of our offer but we welcome them as a fourth A-level. The Extended Project is welcomed but is not included as part of our offer. We do not accept any vocational qualifications. We do not accept Applied A-levels with the exception of Applied Science.

We accept only one performance based A-level (eg photography, drama, art/design, music, media studies or PE).

GCSE: 5 GCSEs or equivalent: English language at grade 4 (C) and mathematics at grade 5 (B) + one of the following at grade 5 (B): physics, biology and chemistry, science, additional science or science dual award.

Alternative qualification

Access to HE Diploma

We accept science-based Access qualifications with 60 credits, including 45 credits at level 3, 30 of which must be at distinction and 15 at merit, plus GCSE Maths and Science at grade B and English Language at grade C.

Depending on the science content of this qualification, we may accept GCSE Science at grade C.


We accept science-based BTECs at Distinction. Where a non-science BTEC is taken alongside A levels, your A levels must include a relevant science subject (see above).

Cambridge Pre-U

D3D3D3, or mixture of these and A-levels, including a science as indicated above.

International Baccalaureate

35 points overall with a higher level science subject at grade 6 or above. You must also satisfy the English and Maths GCSE or equivalent requirement.

Irish Leaving Certificate (higher Level)

(Leaving Certificate): AAAAAA to include maths and science

Scottish Highers / Advanced Highers

AAA, including maths and science, in Advanced Highers. In some circumstances we would consider a mixture of Highers and Advanced Highers.

Welsh Baccalaureate

Unfortunately we do not accept the Welsh Baccalaureate as it does not match our entry requirements.

Other Qualifications

Read more about the range of international equivalent qualifications we accept for our undergraduate courses.

Please contact to confirm the grades and subject requirements for your home country.

Read more about UK and Republic of Ireland accepted qualifications or contact the School’s Undergraduate Admissions Team.

Alternative entry

We’re committed to identifying the best possible applicants, regardless of personal circumstances or background.

Access to Leeds is a contextual admissions scheme which accepts applications from individuals who might be from low income households, in the first generation of their immediate family to apply to higher education, or have had their studies disrupted.

Find out more about Access to Leeds and contextual admissions.

Typical Access to Leeds offer

BSc – A level: ABB to include one or more of: psychology, geography, mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, geology, economics, statistics, environmental science or computing.

GCSE: All 5 subjects at Grade 4 (C) including English, Maths and Science.

International Foundation Year

International students who do not meet the academic requirements for undergraduate study may be able to study the University of Leeds International Foundation Year. This gives you the opportunity to study on campus, be taught by University of Leeds academics and progress onto a wide range of Leeds undergraduate courses. Find out more about International Foundation Year programmes.

English language requirements

IELTS 6.5 overall, with no less than 6.0 in any component. For other English qualifications, read English language equivalent qualifications.

Improve your English
If you're an international student and you don't meet the English language requirements for this programme, you may be able to study our undergraduate pre-sessional English course, to help improve your English language level.


UK: To be confirmed

International: £32,250 (per year)

Tuition fees for UK undergraduate students starting in 2024/25
Tuition fees for UK full-time undergraduate students are set by the UK Government and will be £9,250 for students starting in 2024/25.

The fee may increase in future years of your course in line with inflation only, as a consequence of future changes in Government legislation and as permitted by law.

Tuition fees for UK undergraduate students starting in 2025/26
Tuition fees for UK full-time undergraduate students starting in 2025/26 have not yet been confirmed by the UK government. When the fee is available we will update individual course pages.

Tuition fees for international undergraduate students starting in 2024/25 and 2025/26
Tuition fees for international students for 2024/25 are available on individual course pages. Fees for students starting in 2025/26 will be available from September 2024.

Tuition fees for a study abroad or work placement year
If you take a study abroad or work placement year, you’ll pay a reduced tuition fee during this period. For more information, see Study abroad and work placement tuition fees and loans.

Read more about paying fees and charges.

There may be additional costs related to your course or programme of study, or related to being a student at the University of Leeds. Read more on our living costs and budgeting page.

Scholarships and financial support

If you have the talent and drive, we want you to be able to study with us, whatever your financial circumstances. There is help for students in the form of loans and non-repayable grants from the University and from the government. Find out more in our Undergraduate funding overview.

International Psychology scholarships

UK Scholarships at Leeds

If your household income is less than £42,875 a year, you may be eligible to apply for a means-tested undergraduate scholarship (UK) which offers funding and support. You can online before the deadline at 12 noon on 31 May 2024. Please visit the University of Leeds Scholarships for full details on how to apply.


Apply to this course through UCAS. Check the deadline for applications on the UCAS website.

Aswell as the institution code, you will also need the UCAS code listed in the key facts section.

All applications received by 29 January 2025 will receive equal consideration. The School of Psychology may consider applications submitted after this date if places remain.

Deferred entry

The School of Psychology will consider applications for deferred entry and encourages such applicants to make use of the personal statement section of the application form to explain your reasons for requesting a deferral.

If you wish to defer following the submission of your application, you must do so by 31 August 2025.

Transfers and advanced entry

The School of Psychology will consider applications from those who are seeking entry to the second year.

All applications must be made through UCAS by the deadline of 29 January 2025. To be eligible, you must demonstrate that you meet the following criteria:

  • Meet first year requirements, as detailed on Course Search

  • Have met the learning outcomes of year 1 of the relevant programme

  • Have achieved a minimum 60% average in the first year of study of a British Psychological Society accredited degree

  • Not be studying under a Student Visa.

Decisions on transfer applications are made by the Academic Admissions Tutor (or other academic lead).

Entry on to Level 3 of courses in the School of Psychology is not permitted.

The School of Psychology will consider applications from those who wish to transfer to year one internally from other programmes at the University of Leeds. Applicants are expected to meet the standard academic entry requirements, as detailed on Coursefinder, and the request must be received by the end of the second week of teaching.


The School of Psychology will consider applications from those who are re-taking examinations prior to entering the University.

Qualifications taken early or across more than two years

The School of Psychology recognises that some applicants may have studied a more flexible curriculum, where you have been able to progress through your educational development at an appropriate rate according to your ability. If you have taken a Level 2 (for example, GCSE) or Level 3 (for example, A Level) qualification ‘early’, your academic reference should include the reasons for this so that we can take them into consideration.

Alternative entry scheme

The School of Psychology will consider prospective students via the Alternative Entry Scheme run by the Lifelong Learning Centre. Where appropriate, applicants will be referred to the Lifelong Learning Centre for further advice.

International students

International students apply through UCAS in the same way as UK students. Our network of international representatives can help you with your application. If you’re unsure about the application process, contact the admissions team for help.

Read about visas, immigration and other information in International students. We recommend that international students apply as early as possible to ensure that they have time to apply for their visa.

Selection Process

Applicant assessment

Please note that meeting, or being predicted to meet, the academic entry criteria does not automatically result in an offer being made.

Personal statements

The personal statement that you include in your UCAS application form helps us to assess the nature of your interest in the academic subject and is an important part of the selection process. It is essential that you take this opportunity to demonstrate your enthusiasm and aptitude for Psychology. We assess the personal statement on how you illustrate:

  • An accurate understanding of the nature of Psychology as a discipline and as taught within higher education

  • A realistic understanding of what a degree in Psychology affords you in terms of possible careers

  • Motivation to engage in and contribute to university life

  • The capacity to excel in Psychology.


Interviews do not form part of our standard admissions process.

Other assessment methods

Some applicants, such as mature students, may be requested to provide a piece of written work and/or undertake a test as part of the admissions process. Further details will be provided to such applicants if required.

Application decisions

We typically receive a high number of applications to our courses in the School of Psychology. The number of applicants exceeds the number of places available so, to ensure that we treat all applications fairly and equitably, we wait until after the UCAS equal consideration application deadline has passed before making a final decision on applications.

If we put your application on hold for review after the UCAS application deadline, we will send you an email to let you know. Although you may have to wait longer than usual to receive a decision, you will hear from us by mid-May at the latest, in line with the deadline that UCAS sets universities for making decisions on applications submitted by the January UCAS deadline.

Offer decisions are made based on an overall review of applications including predicted grades, breadth of knowledge demonstrated through qualifications, personal statement, extra-curricular and work experience, and contextual information. We look for enthusiastic and talented students who have the potential to succeed in their studies with us and contribute to our community.

Admissions policy

University of Leeds Admissions Policy 2025

This course is taught by

School of Psychology

Contact us

School of Psychology Undergraduate Admissions


Career opportunities

As a Psychology student at Leeds, you'll gain a range of skills attractive to employers such as project and time management, negotiation and research design and analysis. Our graduates have been highly successful in gaining employment across diverse fields including:

  • research and teaching

  • media, marketing, and human resources

  • opportunities in mental health and prison services

If you're interested in further study after your degree, there are a wide range of psychology options available to you including:

  • clinical psychology and health psychology

  • counselling, occupational psychology, and educational psychology

  • forensic psychology

  • sport psychology

The entry routes for these branches of psychology vary but include a range of further training and practical experience. Find out more about careers, education and training on the British Psychological Society website.

Careers support

The School of Psychology works closely with the University Careers Centre to provide students with information about careers, both in Psychology and in other areas to support them in choosing appropriately. You can attend drop-in sessions at the Careers Centre anytime to get additional support in tailoring your CV and advice on the application and interview process.

There is also the option of taking the industry and international variants of our Psychology degree. Every year we organise employability skills workshops, talks and presentations, with practical advice to improve your chances of success.

Personalised tutorials give you the opportunity to discuss your career/employability plans and how you can use your time at university to gain the skills, knowledge and experience to make you competitive in the employment market.

PebbelPad is our unique approach to helping you make the most of University by supporting your academic and personal development, enabling you to record your skill development and tailor your job applications with evidence of your skills, how you acquired them, and how you have applied them.

We encourage you to prepare for your career from day one. That’s one of the reasons Leeds graduates are so sought after by employers.

Leeds for Life is our unique approach to helping you make the most of University by supporting your academic and personal development. Find out more at the Leeds for Life website.

The Careers Centre and staff in your faculty provide a range of help and advice to help you plan your career and make well-informed decisions along the way, even after you graduate. Find out more about Careers support.

Study abroad and work placements

Our popular BSc Psychology (International) course is designed to provide students with unique exposure to different ways of studying and applying psychology, as well as stimulating opportunities for personal development. Following successful study in Levels 1 and 2, you can apply to transfer to the four-year international variant of the Psychology degree course.

Past students have studied all over the world with us developing four exchange partners in Europe (Belgium, Germany, Norway and Spain) and over 200 outside Europe including Australia, Canada, Singapore and the United States. While there are many opportunities to study abroad, it is a competitive process and places cannot be guaranteed.

Assessment for the year abroad is on a pass/fail basis. Typically, students need to pass a number of credits at the host institution equivalent to the number of credits required to progress to the next year of study on a Leeds UG degree, ie equivalent to 100 out of 120 credits.

Students who have completed their year abroad have often spoken about not only their academic development but their personal growth, from experiencing new cultures to learning new languages and new approaches to psychology.

Work placements

Practical work experience can help you decide on your career and improve your employability. On this course you have the option to apply to take a placement year module with organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors in the UK, or overseas.

Find out more about work experience on the Careers website.

You will have the opportunity to undertake a work placement for one year during your degree (between Levels 2 and 3). You then transfer onto the four-year BSc Psychology (Industrial) variant of the course; this offers an exciting opportunity for you to gain valuable work experience as part of your degree, and enhance your employability. Application for a work placement year is made partway through Level 2.

Level 2 students, who intend to take their third year as a work placement year, can take the CSER8000 Work Placement Module (120 credits) in order to complete an undergraduate level work placement. This will help you to build experience of, and confidence in, essential workplace skills. This effectively extends the three-year degree course to a four-year course; consequently, the title of the degree is altered to BSc Psychology (Industrial).

There are six assignments to pass the module: three non-assessed questionnaires and three assessed reports. These are staggered throughout the year and are on a Pass/Fail basis only.

Find out more at the Year in Industry.