Music, Multimedia and Electronics BSc

Year of entry

UCAS code
Start date
September 2025
Delivery type
On campus
3 years full time
Work placement
Study abroad
Typical A-level offer
AAB including Mathematics. We also welcome BTEC applicants with DDD (specific subject requirements)
Typical Access to Leeds offer
BBB at A level or DMM at BTEC, and a pass in the Access to Leeds module
Full entry requirements

Course overview

Music multimedia and electronics

Our BSc Music, Multimedia and Electronics (MME) course is unique, offering you specialisms in music, electrical engineering and the intersection of the disciplines, and accreditation as an Incorporated Engineer (IEng). The course is delivered jointly by the School of Music and the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering.

The course offers a balance of modules taken in each School across the degree. In Electronics, you’ll develop and apply knowledge in areas such as circuit design, embedded systems, audio signal processing and digital media. In Music, you’ll explore key concepts, theories and approaches in music technology, electronic and computer music, and various musical styles and genres in their social contexts. The programme culminates in a Music, Multimedia and Electronics Project, combining the learning from across your degree in a research-informed practical context. Developing your skills as a creative thinker and researcher across music and engineering, you'll gain the tools and experience needed to be an independent worker, ready for life after university.

You’ll study with academics in both Schools who are experts in their fields, receiving support from dedicated technical teams. Across your course, you’ll engage with the latest research, explore a range of theoretical, creative and applied aspects of music, multimedia and electronics, and develop a set of valuable subject-specific and transferrable skills. You’ll have opportunities to work independently and collaboratively, developing your skills and knowledge in contexts that extend beyond the university environment. All these elements combine to provide you with an exciting and dynamic educational experience that is unique to Leeds.

The School of Music is one of the largest in the country, and the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering is part of a large Engineering and Physical Sciences Faculty, each of which brings several benefits to our students. Our size enables us to attract a diverse body of students from across the UK and internationally, which gives the Schools vibrant communities and cultures. Decolonisation, equality and inclusivity are embedded within the curriculum, so all our students can feel a sense of belonging in both Schools and can thrive on their course, no matter what their background and prior experience.

Additionally, the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences has a specific commitment to supporting women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

In the recent national Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021) exercise, 93% of our research was considered to be ‘internationally excellent’ or better in terms of its originality, significance and rigour, with 56% rated as ‘world leading’ – the highest classification. Each of these measures places us within the top 10 Schools of Music in the country based on the REF 2021 results for the subject area. Engineering is ranked similarly within its sector, with 97% of the University’s research in this area rated as ‘internationally excellent’, and 54% classed as ‘world leading’.

We work closely with our students, particularly through our active Student Staff Partnership Forum, to ensure that we offer the best possible experience to everyone studying in the School of Music. Our Industrial Advisory Board – an invited body of professionals from across the professional music sector, including several alumni – actively supports the ongoing development of our courses to ensure they deliver the skills and opportunities our students need to prepare them for life after university.

The School of Music is part of a strong musical community at the University of Leeds, and there are numerous Leeds University Union (LUU) clubs and societies that offer opportunities to get involved in music and performance activities. The Leeds University Union Music Society (LUUMS) is one of the Union’s largest societies and boasts ten ensembles including orchestras, choirs, brass and wind ensembles, and a composers’ collective. LUUMS is linked to the School of Music as our departmental society, and the School and LUUMS work closely on social events and the promotion of musical opportunities. School of Music students also often participate in other campus-based ensembles, including the Clothworkers Consort of Leeds (led by School of Music staff members) and Student Union performance societies, such as:

  • BPM – Electronic music and DJ society
  • Backstage society
  • The LUU Big Band
  • Various musical theatre, opera and pantomime groups
  • Societies focused on jazz and blues, folk, and pop music
  • A cappella (unaccompanied) singing

You might also be interested in joining ShockSoc, the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Society, which runs a mix of social, skill development and even a ‘robot fighting league’ (similar to BBC2’s Robot Wars).

The Clothworkers Concert Hall in the School of Music hosts our diverse International Concert Series, and the Students’ Union runs regular gigs and its long-standing Friday evening club night, ‘Fruity’. Beyond the University campus, the city of Leeds provides numerous opportunities to engage with a wide variety of musics at venues including:

  • Leeds First Direct Arena, a fixture on the national touring circuit for leading artists and bands
  • Leeds Grand Theatre, which routinely presents touring West End musicals, comedy and other shows, and is the home of Opera North (a partner of the University) and Northern Ballet
  • Leeds Playhouse, which presents a range of stage musicals and other theatrical productions, several of which then tour nationally
  • Leeds Town Hall, home to the Leeds International Concert Season (LICS), which usually features a wide range of international orchestras within its programming. LICS also run various chamber music series at venues including Holy Trinity Church, Leeds Cathedral, and The Venue at Leeds Conservatoire
  • O2 Academy Leeds hosts a range of popular-music events including its regular ‘Indie Thursdays’ and ‘PROJEKT’ club nights
  • Seven Arts, an independent arts space and a not-for-profit Community Interest Company that presents a range of jazz, popular and light musics within its diverse programme
  • The Brudenell Social Club, which hosts events most nights of the week and covers a wide range of musical genres

All these elements combine to make studying Music, Multimedia and Electronics at the University of Leeds a distinctive and memorable experience that actively supports our students to pursue careers or future study within and beyond these areas.

Specialist facilities

The School of Music provides you with dedicated, purpose-built facilities complete with studios and computer clusters for sound recording, software development and computer-music composition, and a multiple-loudspeaker system, supplemented by a wide range of specialist software and recording equipment to help with your studies. The facilities in the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering include dedicated electronics laboratories with state-of-the art equipment, such as the latest digital oscilloscopes and waveform generators, supplemented by extensive computing equipment. Both Schools have their own learning and teaching spaces.

At the heart of the School of Music is the Clothworkers Centenary Concert Hall, a beautiful performance space that hosts a large and varied programme of concerts in term time. As a student in the School, you can attend events in the International Concert Series programme free of charge. The spacious Clothworkers Foyer is the School’s social hub, and doubles as a venue for popular music and informal performances, including the LUUMS ‘Friday Feature’ series.

Take a tour of our School

Join School rep, Georgie, on a tour of our building and its specialist facilities to get a feel for life as a student in the School.


Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

The BSc Music, Multimedia and Electronics is accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) on behalf of the Engineering Council for the purposes of fully meeting the academic requirement for registration as an Incorporated Engineer (IEng). Accreditation is the assurance that a university course meets the quality standards established by the profession for which it prepares its students. For this course, these are the quality standards set by the IET.

Course details

This course is structured to give you a strong grounding in music, multimedia and electronics, bringing these areas together in a final-year capstone project.

Year 1

During your first year, you’ll be introduced to theories and concepts in music technology and electronic music, and explore circuits, engineering maths and digital electronics. You’ll also develop core skills in musical research and practice-research.

Year 2

In the second year, you’ll continue to develop your skills, applying your learning in new contexts. You’ll study computer music, music technology, and a range of research techniques used in music, as well as engaging with programming and embedded systems alongside further learning in the areas of electronic circuits and systems design.

Year 3

The final year is centred around an independent project, enabling you to pursue a music, multimedia and electronics topic of your own choosing. This will take the form of an individual practice-research project, devised and completed under the guidance of supervisors from the two teaching Schools. Alongside this, you’ll study various aspects of electronics and take a module designed to support the transition from university to life beyond graduation, on which you’ll carry out a collaborative project based on an external brief. You’ll also have the chance to choose an optional module in music technology, contemporary composition or musicology that complements your project work and the skills you are developing.

The course is designed to equip you with a broad range of advanced musical, technical, engineering and transferrable skills, leading to IEng accreditation. You’ll cultivate and hone critical, applied, creative and communication skills and develop your ability to make connections and work across disciplinary areas and contexts. You’ll strengthen personal attributes, including confidence, self-reflection and resilience, and problem-solving skills such as adaptability and initiative. Through your degree, you’ll learn to adopt a professional mindset and approach, and have opportunities to demonstrate these qualities through collaborative, independent and extended projects.

Course structure

The list shown below represents typical modules/components studied and may change from time to time. Read more in our terms and conditions.

Year 1

Compulsory modules

Studio Recording (20 credits)– This module introduces you to the theory and practice of studio recording. You’ll develop an awareness of the work of a range of practitioners, enabling you to contextualise your own practice and gain a deeper understanding of the ways in which sound recording may be undertaken, and the impacts of the decisions taken during the process.

Electronic Music (20 credits) –On this module, you’ll be introduced to and develop your skills in electronic music. Practical and theoretical approaches to creating electronic music will be related to key historical, technical and social developments, contextualising your learning and use of technology. The module will encourage you to adopt a creative, critical and self-reflective approach to the creation of electronic music.

Music and Society (20 credits) – This module supports the development of research and practice-research skills and sets you on the way to being a critical and creative thinker. Rather than offering a chronological overview of music history, the module provides a thematic exploration of music in historical and contemporary, Western and global contexts (including the specific and diverse musical culture of Leeds), examining how musical practice reflects and shapes society. The development of academic research skills is integrated into this exploration, enabling you to thoroughly engage with the topics covered, to understand and address the challenges and arguments they present.

Circuit Analysis and Design (20 credits) – This module introduces you to key electronic components, the basic concepts of electronic circuit analysis and design, and the basic principles of electronic circuit test and measurement.

Digital Electronics & Microcontrollers (20 credits) – This module introduces you to the fundamentals of digital electronics and embedded systems, including underlying theories in digital electronics. You'll be equipped with practical design skills including proficiency in embedded systems programming.

Engineering Mathematics (10 credits) – Developing your knowledge and understanding of necessary key mathematical principles underpins your education in engineering. On this module, you’ll learn to apply mathematical methods, tools and notations to the analysis and solution of engineering problems, especially within the field of music, multimedia and electronics.

Electronic Design Project (10 credits) – This module develops essential skills in interpreting circuit diagrams, building the corresponding physical prototype and using laboratory instruments to test and evaluate the circuit. You will also have an opportunity to learn important practical laboratory skills and engage in a team design project.

Year 2

Compulsory modules

Computer Music (20 credits) –On this module, you’ll be introduced to and develop your skills in computer music. Key historical, technical and social developments will contextualise practical and theoretical approaches to creating contemporary experimental computer music to enhance your learning and use of technology. The module will introduce and develop your use of musical programming languages, adopting a critical, creative and self-reflective approach to computer music.

Applied Music Technology (20 credits) – On this module, you'll explore applied music technology, contextualising your practice and situating it within broader approaches to music technology. You'll engage with topics such as sound synthesis, sound practice, music production and music-creation technologies, developing your applied, critical and problem-solving skills through collaborative practical work.

Researching Music (20 credits) – Music is a multi-disciplinary subject, and musical research employs a diverse range of methods. On this module, members of staff draw on their own research projects to support your development of musicological (text-based, archival, analytical), practice-based (creative practice as research, applied research) and empirical (questionnaires, focus groups, interviews) research techniques, leading to you creating a proposal for your own research project.

Electronic Circuits and Systems Design (20 credits) – On this module you’ll gain the necessary skills and knowledge to design and build a variety of electronic circuits and systems. This will include aspects of underlying circuit theory, simulation, and practical implementation.

Embedded Systems Project (20 credits) – This module gives you the opportunity to design a prototype product within a tightly constrained set of software tools and hardware components. You’ll develop proficiency in programming a state-of-the-art microcontroller to interface with sensors/actuators and a display, as required, and you'll also learn project-management and presentation skills.

Microprocessors and Programmable Logic (20 credits) – Building on the digital electronics covered in year one, you'll learn how to implement digital designs onto programmable hardware using industry-standard tools, as well as simulate and verify designs before and after implementation.

Year 3

Compulsory modules

Music, Multimedia and Electronics Project (40 credits) – This module gives you the chance to explore an area of music, multimedia and electronics of your own choosing. You’ll identify and apply appropriate research methods to contextualise and answer your research questions through a portfolio of practice with written commentary. You’ll work with supervisors from the teaching Schools who will offer you guidance as you devise, manage and produce your independent project.

Music Beyond Graduation (20 credits) – This module provides an opportunity to examine the ways in which expertise in music can be applied beyond your studies. You’ll be encouraged to consider the relevance of your academic studies and skills beyond Higher Education and to reflect on how framing your studies within an external context can inform your learning and academic practice. Working in a small group on a project commission, you’ll respond to a brief provided by either an external partner or an academic researcher. The nature of the outputs will depend on the specific needs of each project and may involve research and analysis, curating an exhibition or event, creating online resources, or developing a project plan for a musical intervention.

Audio Signal Processing (20 credits) – This module introduces you to the principles of signals and signal analysis in the context of audio systems, and develops knowledge and understanding of signal conditioning, detection and quantisation. You’ll also be introduced to digital signal processing techniques relevant to audio applications.

Professional Studies (10 credits) – Through this module, you’ll be introduced to a variety of important aspects of working in industry and to the role of the engineer in society.

Digital Media Engineering (10 credits) – On this module you’ll learn the principles of digital audio, images and video, and digital content transmission systems.

Optional module in an area of music such as (each 20 credits):

  • Contemporary Composition
  • Music Technology
  • Musicology

Owing to accreditation requirements, all modules in the first two years are compulsory. You may select one optional music module in music in your final year.

Learning and teaching

Academics in the School of Music and the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering are experts in their fields, and their activities inform their teaching directly. We use a range of inclusive, active and student-centred approaches to learning and teaching to engage you in your course and support you to develop your knowledge, understanding, and skills. Depending on the modules you choose, your learning and teaching methods may include taught and self-directed sessions in laboratories, studios and computer clusters, workshops, and practice-based sessions, as well as lectures, seminars, tutorials and other small-group learning classes.

Taught sessions are only a part of university learning, and on many of our modules you’ll be supplied with online learning resources designed to work in tandem with classroom sessions. Some modules may require you to engage with videos, podcasts, readings or other activities before class sessions, with some of the classroom time devoted to debate, discussion and deeper learning based on how students have interpreted the online materials. Your learning experience will offer opportunities for collaboration and peer learning, as well as fostering a culture of reflection and self-awareness. Independent study is also an important part of your course, and you’ll develop your critical, creative and research skills through time spent in the University Library, laboratories and studios.

We support your learning in several ways. Resources are made available through our virtual learning environment, Minerva, you can seek assistance as required from our experienced technical staff and your Academic Personal Tutor, and there is extensive support for students offered through the academic skills programme at the University Library. Additionally, staff have office hours when they are available should you have questions, or you need to ask for help. We also work closely with the University’s Language Centre to ensure that international students are fully supported and able to thrive on our courses.

On this course, you’ll be taught by our expert academics, from lecturers through to professors. You may also be taught by industry professionals with years of experience, as well as trained postgraduate researchers, connecting you to some of the brightest minds on campus.


We use a variety of assessment methods, each of which is chosen to best measure your achievement of a module’s learning outcomes and associated skills, so you and we can understand and support your progress and development. Depending on the modules you choose, you are likely to encounter a mix of online and in-class assessments, written assignments (eg essays, reports, reviews, reflective logs), creative outputs and portfolios (eg compositions, technology projects), presentations and posters, and project work. Some assignments will be completed individually, some collaboratively, and some may require elements of group working leading to individual submissions.

You might be given a brief, question or problem to be addressed, or you may have scope to determine your own question or approach under the guidance of a member of staff. You’ll be given clear instructions regarding the assessment requirements and criteria, and you’ll receive feedback on your work to support your learning as you progress through your course. Assessments will usually require you to synthesise and evaluate learning from multiple taught sessions and learning resources (eg a module’s lectures, seminars, set readings and other online resources), and you should think of your course as a whole, and apply your learning across your modules. Creative and practical work may offer you the chance to take risks and experiment with new ideas and concepts, and in all cases we encourage you to challenge yourself, to think critically and creatively, to move as far beyond your comfort zone as you can, and to reflect on your working process and achievement.

Our assessments are designed to be fair and inclusive, to engage you intellectually and to help prepare you for life beyond University through the development of relevant skills, knowledge and experience.

Entry requirements

A-level: AAB including Mathematics. We also welcome BTEC applicants with DDD

Normally students will have studied Music and/or Music Technology, or should be able to demonstrate or provide evidence of previous practical and theoretical experience in the field of music technology, electronic music, or computer music.

Students taking the EPQ may also be made an alternative offer. This would typically be ABB + A in the EPQ for students taking A-levels, for example.

We typically interview all eligible applicants for this programme; this is typically an online interview.

GCSE: usually 5 at A-C, including English at Grade C/4 or above

Alternative qualification

Access to HE Diploma

The Diploma must be in a relevant subject with 60 credits overall, with at least 45 credits at level 3 to include 30 credits at Distinction and 15 at Merit.



BTEC qualifications in relevant disciplines are considered in combination with other qualifications, including A-level mathematics, or equivalent.

Cambridge Pre-U

D2, M2, M2 or D3, M1, M2 or D2, M1, M3.

Pre-U qualifications will also be accepted in combination with other qualifications such as A-levels.

International Baccalaureate

35 points overall usually with at least 6 in Higher Level Music

Irish Leaving Certificate (higher Level)

H2 H2 H2 H2 H3 H3

Scottish Highers / Advanced Highers

AB in Advanced Highers and AABBB in Highers OR A in Advanced Highers and AABBB in Highers OR AAAABB in Highers.

Welsh Baccalaureate

We can consider the Individual Project Element of the Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate, and offer ABB for example + Distinction in the IP, (instead of AAB).

Read more about UK and Republic of Ireland accepted qualifications or contact the School’s Undergraduate Admissions Team.

Alternative entry

We’re committed to identifying the best possible applicants, regardless of personal circumstances or background.

Access to Leeds is a contextual admissions scheme which accepts applications from individuals who might be from low income households, in the first generation of their immediate family to apply to higher education, or have had their studies disrupted.

Find out more about Access to Leeds and contextual admissions.

Interdisciplinary Science with Foundation Year

This course is designed for students whose backgrounds mean they are less likely to attend university (also known as widening participation backgrounds) and who do not currently meet admissions criteria for direct entry to a degree.

The course will give you the opportunity to be taught by academic staff and provides intensive support to enable your development of academic skills and knowledge. On successful completion of your foundation year, you will progress to your chosen degree course. Find out more about the Interdisciplinary Science with Foundation Year.

Studies in Science with Foundation Year

This extended degree is a science conversion course designed for high-achieving students who wish to progress to a degree in a scientific discipline but haven’t taken the prerequisite science and mathematics subjects at A-level.

You’ll receive an intensive introduction to the academic and life skills, qualities and techniques that are necessary for success as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) undergraduates. Find out more about the Studies in Science with Foundation Year.


We accept a range of international equivalent qualifications. Contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office for more information

International Foundation Year

International students who do not meet the academic requirements for undergraduate study may be able to study the University of Leeds International Foundation Year. This gives you the opportunity to study on campus, be taught by University of Leeds academics and progress onto a wide range of Leeds undergraduate courses. Find out more about International Foundation Year programmes.

English language requirements

IELTS 6.5 overall, with no less than 6.0 in any component. For other English qualifications, read English language equivalent qualifications.

Improve your English
If you're an international student and you don't meet the English language requirements for this programme, you may be able to study our undergraduate pre-sessional English course, to help improve your English language level.


UK: £9,535 (per year)

International: £30,000 (per year)

Tuition fees for UK undergraduate students starting in 2025/26
The fee for UK undergraduate students is decided by the Government and may vary if policy changes. The fee may increase in future years of your course in line with inflation, and as permitted by law.

Tuition fees for UK undergraduate students starting in 2025/26 will be £9,535.

The tuition fee for the following programmes with an integrated foundation year is £5,760 for the foundation year, and £9,535 for subsequent years of study:
•    Business Studies with Foundation Year BSC
•    Arts and Humanities with Foundation Year BA
•    Interdisciplinary Studies with Preparation for Higher Education BA
•    Social Science (foundation year) BA

Tuition fees for international undergraduate students starting in 2025/26
Tuition fees for international students for 2025/26 are available on individual course pages.

Tuition fees for a study abroad or work placement year
If you take a study abroad or work placement year, you’ll pay a reduced tuition fee during this period. For more information, see Study abroad and work placement tuition fees and loans.

Read more about paying fees and charges.

There are additional costs of study that students need to cover. We estimate that these additional costs could be as described below, but this amount may vary depending on your chosen modules.

Equipment and materials costs

You’ll need to cover the cost of a (non-programmable) scientific calculator (approximate cost: up to £10). All specialist software required for your programme can be accessed through our Computer Clusters and Studios.

Reading materials

You’ll have access to a good supply of books, academic journals, periodicals, etc., that are available in the University libraries. You’ll also have online access to an extensive range of reading resources. You might decide, however, to purchase required books that are recommended on your programme.

Study trips and placements

There may also be the opportunity for optional study trips and individual projects / placements. Costs will depend on the project / placement undertaken, and on the nature and location of each trip.

There may be general additional costs related to being a student at the University of Leeds – find out more.

Additional cost information

There are additional costs of study that students need to cover. We estimate that these additional costs could be as described below, but this amount may vary depending on your chosen modules.

Equipment, software and materials costs


  • Non-programmable scientific calculator - £10
  • High-performance computer (OSX or Windows and at least 16GB RAM, fast 512GB SSD hard drive, Core i5 or higher CPU, and a separate GPU is recommended (details below) - £1,395
  • Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) - £250


  • Cycling74 Max - £200
  • Cycling74 RNBO - £145
  • VCV Rack Pro - £120
  • Ableton Live 11 Suite - £269
  • MATLAB and Simulink Student Suite - £69
  • Reaper - £50

Students have access to studios and a computer cluster with the software installed. These facilities are not currently open at weekends or after 10pm. Students are given an induction to the studios/labs when they enrol on certain modules (which are compulsory modules on the programme).

Reading materials

You’ll have access to a good supply of books, academic journals, periodicals, etc., that are available in the University libraries. You’ll also have online access to an extensive range of reading resources. You might decide, however, to purchase required books that are recommended on your programme.

Study trips and placements

There may also be the opportunity for optional study trips and individual projects / placements. Costs will depend on the project / placement undertaken, and on the nature and location of each trip.

There may be additional costs related to your course or programme of study, or related to being a student at the University of Leeds. Read more on our living costs and budgeting page.

Scholarships and financial support

If you have the talent and drive, we want you to be able to study with us, whatever your financial circumstances. There is help for students in the form of loans and non-repayable grants from the University and from the government. Find out more in our Undergraduate funding overview.


Apply to this course through UCAS. Check the deadline for applications on the UCAS website.

Read our guidance about applying.

International students apply through UCAS in the same way as UK students. Our network of international representatives can help you with your application. If you’re unsure about the application process, contact the admissions team for help.

Read about visas, immigration and other information in International students. We recommend that international students apply as early as possible to ensure that they have time to apply for their visa.

Suitable candidates may also be invited for interview as part of the selection process. Interviews usually take place between November and March during one of the post-application open days, meaning you’ll also have the chance to visit both schools and meet some staff and students.

Admissions tutors will consider your experience, skills and knowledge in relation to the academic demands of the course. The interview is important for demonstrating your experience, skills and knowledge, asking any questions you have about the course, and letting us know your views on music and technology.

Admissions policy

University of Leeds Admissions Policy 2025

This course is taught by

School of Music

Contact us

School of Music Undergraduate Admissions


Career opportunities

A degree in Music, Multimedia and Electronics from the University of Leeds equips you with valuable subject knowledge, cultural and social awareness, and a strong balance of musical, engineering and transferrable skills. We worked with our undergraduate students to identify a skillset that all our graduates will develop across their courses, and we continue to review these attributes with the student body and our Industrial Advisory Board to ensure they meet the needs of students as they leave University.

Skills such as communication, leadership, time and resource management, and the ability to work independently and collaboratively are particularly attractive to employers, and you’ll also be able to demonstrate the flexibility, resilience and confidence needed to adapt to new situations and environments. Your specific knowledge across music and electronic engineering will bring your critical, creative, research, programming, digital and problem-solving abilities to the fore, and you’ll be able to articulate how the experience gained through your degree has prepared you for whatever comes next, be that work or further study.

The Music, Multimedia and Electronics course equips our graduates to work in a wide range of areas, including:

  • Digital media
  • Software programming
  • Audio electronics and hardware design
  • Studio engineering
  • Music technology
  • Electronic composing
  • Hardware/software interfacing
  • Broadcasting
  • Teaching and lecturing

Our graduates also use the skills developed through their degree to pursue careers in other sectors, including business, chartered surveying, data management, healthcare, law, management and media, and many progress to postgraduate study in Music or a related discipline, including continuing to Masters study here at Leeds.

Careers support

Skill development is built into our courses, so you start becoming more employable from the moment you begin your studies, and your degree is designed to help you recognise your skills and understand how you demonstrate them. Reflection on and understanding of your skillset is one of the learning outcomes for your course, meaning we will support you to be able to demonstrate these things by the time you graduate.

As you progress through your degree, you’ll have additional opportunities to develop your skillset and your CV, such as supporting your fellow students and the School community by being a peer mentor, becoming a course representative and participating in our Student Staff Partnership Forum on behalf of your cohort, or applying to be our School Undergraduate Representative and working with School and Faculty staff and the Students’ Union to drive the School and University forward.

Reach your potential

Hear more about the School and Faculty support you can access from our employability lead, Professor Karen Burland.

Leeds for Life is our unique approach to helping you make the most of University by supporting your academic and personal development. You’ll also have access to the University’s ‘MyCareer’ portal and have opportunities to discuss your personal and professional development with your Academic Personal Tutor. We run careers events every year in collaboration with our Faculty Employability Team and encourage all our students to attend to develop their awareness of the opportunities that exist beyond graduation, even if they are not yet sure what they want to do after their degree. Alongside this, the Careers Centre provide a range of support and advice to help you plan your career and make well-informed decisions along the way, even after you graduate.

We encourage you to prepare for your career from day one. That’s one of the reasons Leeds graduates are so sought after by employers.

The Careers Centre and staff in your faculty provide a range of help and advice to help you plan your career and make well-informed decisions along the way, even after you graduate. Find out more about Careers support.

Study abroad and work placements

During your second year, you’ll have the opportunity to apply to transfer onto our BSc Music, Multimedia and Electronics (International) variant and extend your degree by a year, spending your third year studying at one of our many partner universities worldwide. The University has over 300 University exchange partnerships worldwide, including many of the world’s top-ranking institutions in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, East and South-East Asia, South Africa and Latin America.

The University also has a ‘Horizon Year Abroad’ scheme with selected partner institutions in Africa, Asia and Latin America. On the Horizon scheme the focus is on developing linguistic and intercultural competencies, and you’re not limited to taking modules in your degree subject.

Enhance your learning

Hear from our students about the rewarding and life changing experience that they were able to access by studying abroad.

Studying abroad is a great opportunity to enhance your CV and gain a new perspective on your studies, as well as deepening your cultural awareness through a more varied experience. In addition to being a highlight of your degree, it can give you real confidence in a competitive job market.

Find out more at the Study Abroad website.

Work placements

Practical work experience can help you decide on your career and enhance your employability. You’ll have the opportunity to extend your programme by doing a work-placement year between your second and final years of study, working with one or more organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors in the UK, or overseas. It’s a great opportunity to gain valuable experience and contacts, and some students go on to work for their placement companies after they graduate.

An industrial placement could be the opportunity you need to impress potential employers. It can also give you the chance to learn more about working in the music sector (though you can do a work placement in any area – it does not have to relate to music), discover the sorts of opportunities and pathways that exist, and improve your chances of identifying and securing the career you want.

There are lots of benefits of doing a work placement year, including:

  • gaining invaluable insight into working as a professional in your chosen sector
  • building professional contacts within your chosen field
  • advancing the learning and skills cultivated through your degree by putting them into practice beyond your studies
  • improving your employability through development of your skills and experience, and enhancement of your CV
  • increasing your confidence, self-belief and resilience
  • transferring onto our BSc Music, Multimedia and Electronics (Industrial) variant, demonstrating your added experience to future employers and making your degree stand out

The work-placement scheme is managed by our dedicated Faculty Employability team, who can support you to find the right placement to suit you and your future career goals. Examples of placements BSc Music, Multimedia and Electronics students have recently completed include:

  • Assistant Engineer and Editor (Audio Production and Post-Production) at Floating Earth
  • Technology Professional – Software Development at BT
  • Undergraduate Placement at Diamond Light Source
  • Service Assistant at Focusrite Audio Engineering Ltd
  • Software Developer Intern at GForce Software
  • Broadcast Student Placement at Dolby Europe Ltd.

You can also find general information about work experience on the Careers website.

Student profile: Thomas Morris

I would recommend considering an industrial placement year because it is a perfect chance to get some real world experience, which employers are always looking for.
Find out more about Thomas Morris's time at Leeds

Student profile: Helena Bisby

The course equips its students with a very diverse set of skills which range from analogue circuitry and programming to music technology and research, allowing for specialisation into specific fields.
Find out more about Helena Bisby's time at Leeds