Architectural Engineering MEng, BEng Duration 4 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAA UCAS code HK21
Architectural Engineering (Industrial) MEng, BEng Duration 5 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAA UCAS code HK23
Architectural Engineering (Industrial) BEng Duration 4 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAB UCAS code HK28
Architecture (Industrial) MEng, BEng Duration 60 Months (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAA UCAS code K1H4
Arts and Humanities with Foundation Year BA Duration 4 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer CDD excluding Critical Thinking and General Studies. T Levels will be considered on a case by case basis. UCAS code V901
Automotive Engineering MEng, BEng Duration 4 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer A*AA UCAS code H330
Automotive Engineering (Industrial) BEng Duration 4 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer A*AA UCAS code H337
Automotive Engineering (Industrial) MEng, BEng Duration 5 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer A*AA UCAS code H332
Bachelor Degree with Integrated International Foundation Year (Arts and Social Science) BA Duration 4 Years (Full time)
Bachelor Degree with Integrated International Foundation Year (Business) BA Duration 4 Years (Full time)