Environmental Geoscience BSc

Year of entry

Open Days 2024

Bookings for our October 2024 Open Days are now open. Book now

UCAS code
Start date
September 2025
Delivery type
On campus
3 years full time
Work placement
Study abroad
Typical A-level offer
ABB (specific subject requirements)
Typical Access to Leeds offer
Full entry requirements

Course overview

UG Geophysics students carrying out fieldwork

The surface of planet Earth is highly dynamic, with abrupt changes in environmental conditions driven by the complicated interplay of physical, biological, chemical, and geological processes. Specialist skills and knowledge are urgently required to document and interpret the records of environmental change, meaning that environmental geoscientists are at the forefront of tackling many of the urgent issues arising from society’s interactions with the Earth’s surface and shallow subsurface.

Our Environmental Geoscience degree will equip you with a deep understanding of the Earth system, with a focus on surface and shallow subsurface process interactions. From this, you'll gain deep time perspectives on how subaerial and submarine landscapes evolve. By applying that knowledge to Earth resources, or mitigating climate change, you’ll learn how to help solve critical societal problems.

At Leeds, we continue to place fieldwork as an integral part of developing your knowledge of Earth surface processes and understanding of records of environmental change. Throughout your course, you’ll build observational and analytical skills through visits to classic field locations.

Distinctively, we have a large group of world-leading researchers who work at the interface of geological and geomorphological disciplines. Your final year project will be building 3D geo-models using real-world datasets to provide you with the unique independence and experience that means, upon graduation, you'll be a skilled environmental geoscientist ready to help solve the key challenges that face humankind and secure the future of our planet.

Why study at Leeds:

  • Our globally-renowned research in geology, physical geography and environmental science feeds directly into your course, shaping your learning with the latest concepts and providing you with industry-relevant skills for a range of sectors.
  • Experience expert teaching delivered by a programme team made up of leading specialists with extensive industry experience from across the breadth of environmental science disciplines and employment sectors.
  • Put theory into practice by undertaking fieldwork activities, where you’ll advance your research skills and gain hands-on experience highly valued by employers in industry.
  • Access specialist facilities, including lecture theatres, seminar rooms and computer clusters fully equipped with the latest technology to support your learning.
  • Enhance your career prospects and give your CV that competitive edge before you graduate with our exciting study abroad programmes and work placement opportunities.
  • Join one of our societies, such as ROCSOC and SusSoc, where you can meet like-minded people at events such as comedy and film nights, trips and at sports activities. Being elected as a member of the committee is also a great opportunity to develop your management and leadership skills.

Course details

This degree covers a broad basis in topics spanning geology, physical geography and environmental science to provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge by the end of the second year. You’ll undertake a geology dissertation in your final year that typically centres around building a 3D geological model integrating surficial and subsurface data carried out between your second and third year and brings together your classroom learning and field skills. You’ll also study optional modules that allow you to tailor your degree to your interests, and to focus on particular aspects such as the energy transition, ground water, and engineering geology.

Fieldwork will also be integral to your course, with opportunities to explore many different environments first-hand.

Please note: field trip destinations specified below are typical examples but may be subject to change.

Each academic year, you'll take a total of 120 credits.

The course structure shown below represents typical modules/components studied and may change from time to time. Read more in our terms and conditions.

Year 1

First year builds a solid foundation of geoscience knowledge and skills, introducing the Earth as a geologically active habitable planet. You’ll develop an understanding of the large-scale tectonic and surface processes, such as magmatism, glacial cycles, and mountain building that shape the Earth’s surface and interior.

We’ll look in detail at what the Earth is made of and the cycle of geological activity that creates and erodes the rocks that form the Earth’s crust. We will also explore the environmental and biological history of the Earth, examining the evidence for the emergence and development of life and the evolution of the surface environment. Additionally, we will focus on the role of professional geoscientists in contemporary society, exploring the many ways that geoscientific knowledge underpins much of the infrastructure on which society depends.

The course has a strong practical focus, which allows you to get hands-on with specimens in the lab and to study Earth materials in the field, reinforcing learning from lectures and giving that wider perspective that is unique to the geosciences. Alongside core modules, you’ll develop transferable skills, such as collecting, recording and interpreting scientific data, and professional reporting both through written work and training in the use of professional tools such as Geographic Information System (GIS) software. Teamwork is an area where geoscience graduates really excel, a skill from both classroom activities and field working. This first year of the degree is shared with the Geology degree, giving you flexibility in choice between programmes.

Compulsory modules

Solid Planet – 20 credits

The ability to identity and characterise the rocks, minerals, and sedimentary deposits that form the Earth are fundamental skills for any professional geoscientist. In this module, you'll develop the core skills of describing and identifying key Earth materials at a range of spatial scales, from the macro-scale structures seen in rock outcrops to the micro-scale features visible under the microscope. During practical work in the laboratory, you'll be taught how to recognise common igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock types, and the key features that provide evidence for their origins in different environments. In addition to learning about the physical and chemical properties of Earth materials, you'll also gain an understanding of the important magmatic and metamorphic processes that occur during the rock cycle to create geological deposits.

Earth Surface Processes – 20 credits

Our planet’s surface is highly dynamic in time and space. This module will introduce the complicated process interactions that have sculpted Earth’s topography. Topics covered include sediment production by weathering and biochemical or chemical precipitation; icehouse and greenhouse periods and their role on changing sea-level and coastlines; the origin of landforms and landscapes (geomorphology), including: erosion, denudation and deposition, the transport and deposition of sediment in all environments, earthquakes and Earth surface motions, volcanic eruptions and movement of volcanic ejecta, and the cryosphere and isostatic responses. The disciplines of geomorphology and geology are intimately related, and the controls and links between continental sediment production and erosion and deposition in basins will be introduced.

Dynamic Planet – 20 credits

The Earth is the most geologically active planet in our solar system and its surface is constantly being reshaped by plate tectonics. This history of global change is recorded in the complex layers of rocks that form the Earth’s continental crust. In this module, you'll learn how to use geological observations to reconstruct the tectonic and environmental history of our planet throughout its 4.5-billion-year history. You'll learn the fundamental concepts and techniques used by geoscientists to study the Earth in 4D (space and time) and decipher the history of the construction and destruction of continental landmasses by plate tectonics. There will be a particular focus on the formation of the British Isles, which have been assembled by successive continental collisions over the last 600 million years. You'll also discover how geoscientists use the rock record to investigate our planet’s environmental and biological history. This includes key evidence for Earth’s long-term habitability, such as the emergence and diversification of life and the history of atmospheric oxygen.

Living Earth – 20 credits

The origin of life on Earth remains a mystery, but clearly the evolution of life on Earth and the influence of the biosphere on geological processes, have moulded the planet we live on. The fossil record is key to understanding the evolution of plant and animal life, and their interactions, including fundamental environmental changes, such as atmosphere and ocean chemistry. This module will cover big science questions, such as: where did life begin on Earth? What are the processes and chemical ingredients that allowed life to emerge on our planet? How has the carbon-cycle controlled Earth’s climate? What is the current and future interactions and impact of humans on the biosphere? To introduce environmental science field skills, there will be an environmental data collection field trip to sample and analyse river water.

Skills for Geoscientists – 20 credits

Develop essential skills in the collection, analysis and evaluation of earth science data. This module will be tutorial-based, with an emphasis on field and writing skills. The seminars in week 1 will form the basis of your first written assignment on a cutting-edge research topic. There is an introductory two-day field class in the Yorkshire Dales, followed by a longer residential field class to the beautiful Pembrokeshire coast during the Easter period. This module will also introduce contemporary societal issues, such as the energy transition and the sustainable use of resources.

Optional modules

You’ll choose from the following optional modules. Or you may choose to combine optional modules with discovery modules.

Discovery modules give you the chance to expand your learning, broadening your knowledge and giving you that competitive edge in the jobs market.

Please note: The modules listed below are indicative of typical options.

  • Natural Hazards – 10 credits
  • Vertebrate Evolution – 10 credits
  • Foundation Chemistry – 10 credits
  • Foundation Mathematics – 10 credits
  • Foundation Physics – 10 credits
  • Atmosphere – 10 credits

Year 2

In the second year, ,you’ll develop your skills and understanding in the surface and shallow subsurface record of processes, and their records, and how environmental geoscience use that understanding in professional contexts, such as ground models and remediation projects.

Fieldwork is tailored to Environmental Sciences students in year 2, with a focus on studying soils and sedimentary rocks, and developing three-dimensional thinking. In parallel, you’ll build a range of professional and transferable skills, including academic writing, presentation, experimental design, environmental statistics and coding skills.

The overall aim is to equip you with a breadth of practical and technical skills and field experiences to be ready to tackle the independent dissertation project in year 3.

Compulsory modules

Advanced Skills for Environmental Geoscientists – 20 credits

Gain the specialist training necessary to successfully plan, execute and write-up an independent site investigation project. This module aims to provide you with a core set of transferable computing and analytical skills, giving you a competitive skillset, ready for subsequent careers and to facilitate your transition from Higher Education to the workplace.

Recognising that proficiency in computer programming is becoming increasingly necessary and valuable for processing and visualising large/complex datasets. This module aims to provide a broad and solid foundation in this skill. You'll learn the basic computer programming skills required to analyse and plot data sets, beyond what can be done with Excel. Programming experience in the aspects of the Python language necessary for data manipulation and visualisation is developed through the course of the module.

Palaeoenvironmental Analysis – 20 credits

Explore the use of sedimentological, geochemical and palaeontological principles in the analysis of sedimentary environments and the evolutionary history of life. You'll develop knowledge, skills and understanding of how complex sedimentary successions arise in response to a range of both intrinsic processes and external controls such as sea-level and climatic change, and tectonic basin development. The module will include a critical examination of recent and ongoing research into the dynamics of sedimentary processes, their recognition in the ancient rock record, and their environmental application.

Additionally, this module also covers the nature of the carbon sink in the deep ocean and the use of the fossil record to assess the impact of global scale geohazards, such as asteroid impacts and volcanic events. A residential field class on the Isle of Man brings together the lecture and practical material and allows you to develop skills in sedimentary logging, sedimentary architectural analysis, relating complex 3D and 4D relationships in space and time, and distinguishing between intrinsic versus external controls on the sedimentary record, including Quaternary glacial records.

Investigating the shallow subsurface – 20 credits

Learn fundamental concepts, models and principles related to processes in the shallow subsurface and the use of geological and geophysical knowledge and data to investigate them. The material covered is relevant to a large variety of career paths for geoscientists. The taught component of the module will contain a mix of engineering geology, soil science, hydrology and shallow surface geophysics, covering both theory and practice. Throughout the module, a topical case study/studies will link the different aspects of the syllabus and inform on how a geologist can apply their fundamental knowledge to become involved in the energy, hydrogeology, environmental geology and geotechnical and civil engineering sectors.

Contaminated Environments – 20 credits

This module explores the complex nature of land and water contamination through a series of lectures covering a wide range of contaminated environments. We will cover the methods used to monitor and assess levels of contamination, the legal and institutional frameworks used to manage contamination, and the technology and strategies used for remediation. During the latter half of the module, you’ll simulate the workflow of a professional environmental consultant conducting an investigation of a site identified as potentially suitable for residential development. You'll be shown where there are useful sources of information and how to use them. A video of the site shows how a walk-over site assessment is carried out and small group meetings are used to provide guidance in writing a Desk Study Report for the client. The module is taught through a series of lectures, tutorials and short student presentations.

Tectonic Geomorphology – 20 credits

Explore the origin and characteristics of deformation on Earth and the interplay between tectonic and surface processes that shape landscapes in regions of active deformation. Tectonic geomorphology is the application of geomorphological principals to tectonic problems and includes the study of landform assemblages and landscape evolution and the development of process-response models for areas and regions affected by fault-related tectonic activity. You’ll gain an understanding of the range of geophysical characteristics of these different environments and physical processes and the techniques by which these are quantified and interpreted in the context of global tectonics. You’ll be exposed to InSar satellite data of earthquake-related deformation from recent events to inform them on seismic hazards and responses and learn how to record, describe, quantify and interpret deformation structures from small to large scale and to synthesize data in order to develop the geological history of an area.

Sedimentary Basins and Resources - 10 credits

Sedimentary Basins archive the entire fossil and palaeoenvironmental record of the planet. This module will provide skills and training in (i) the main methods and techniques used to investigate sedimentary basins, (ii) developing an understanding of the tectonic and structural evolution of such basins, (iii) acquiring knowledge of the mechanisms of infilling of basins by sedimentary successions and (iv) gaining an awareness of how the geological accumulations within such basins serve to provide important geo-energy resources.

GIS and Earth Observation – 10 credits

Increasingly, earth observation data from drones and satellites are a critical part of a geoscientists toolkit. This module will provide an applied introduction to using GIS and remote sensing in earth and environmental geosciences. The module will introduce the theory and hands-on experience of GIS and remote sensing as well as an introduction to a range of methods for collection, management and interpretation of spatial earth science data. You’ll use leading commercial and/or open-source software in their practical classes, as well as gain basic experience in collecting example remote sensing datasets and apply your knowledge to solve real-world problems in earth, environment and climate science.

Year 3

You'll take more specialised modules in year 3 that focus on topics such as the role of geoscientists in the energy transition and the record of environmental change over the last million years. The optional modules in your final year are where you can really develop your specialisms further. There is also a flagship 3D geo-model build project integrating field data and real subsurface datasets from offshore windfarms, contaminated land sites, large infrastructure projects and geothermal sites.

Compulsory modules

The Last Million Years – 20 credits

The maxim that ‘the present is the key to the past’ might be better phrased that ‘the Quaternary is the key to the future’, because the Earth system of the last few million years is so unusual. That the surface and substrate that society uses for installations and infrastructure is commonly Quaternary aged means that Environmental Geoscientists require advanced understanding of the earth surface interactions over the last million years. In particular, the record of linkages between ice sheet advance and retreat, isostatic responses and the impact of relative sea-level change on landscapes will be explored in detail. Thus, the module will improve your understanding of earth system responses to past, present and future changes in climate. A field class to Norfolk, where there is an exceptional record of Quaternary environmental change preserved, is embedded in this module.

Past Global Environmental Systems – 10 credits

Earth’s surface environments have changed drastically with time and have both directly influenced – and been influenced by – biological evolution. This module will explore a range of approaches to generate information about past environments, before examining a series of case studies across the broad span of Earth history. This will enable you to understand the interacting factors that have controlled the Earth's climate and other environmental variables, both at times of crisis and during background states that were fundamentally different to today. The module will also include some direct experience of running an Earth system model and interpreting the results in the light of other evidence.

Geosolutions for the Energy Transition – 10 credits

Geoscientists are central to society’s low-carbon transition, to ensure we can benefit from the resources and opportunities available to us within the Earth’s subsurface. The subsurface is a source of vital resources for energy generation, as well as a place to store both energy and waste from energy production and consumption. This module will cover the technological revolution in energy generation, storage and consumption that is underway as the transition from carbon-based energy toward clean alternatives accelerates, using up-to-date case studies from geothermal, carbon capture and critical metal research.

3D Geo-models: Independent project – 40 credits

The 3D geo-model module is a hands-on experience that allows you to apply your knowledge gained to investigate a real-world problem through a major independent project, albeit working as part of a team during the collection and management of the dataset. Each group will be provided a dataset of surface environmental geoscience data and will need to collect additional field data to build a 3D geo-model. These datasets will be using real-world information, for example from contaminated land sites or offshore windfarms sites. You are expected to plan, design, and execute the project, demonstrating your ability to work in a team, and manage time and resources effectively, but write up an independent dissertation. This approach allows you to focus on aspects of site investigation to provide you with crucial experience in tackling modern global challenges across all sectors of the economy in areas like civil engineering, natural hazard mitigation, energy security and research.

Optional modules

You’ll choose from the following optional modules.

Please note: The modules listed below are indicative of typical options.

Environmental geomorphology and sedimentology – 10 credits

The rapidly expanding field of environmental geomorphology and sedimentology will be addressed in this module. You’ll also explore the functioning and dynamics of contemporary landscape and sediment systems and question how these systems respond to a range of both natural and anthropogenically-induced perturbations. The module also covers research-led topics on how sedimentological and stratigraphic principles are key to contemporary societal issues, such as microplastic pollution and carbon storage.

Groundwater – 10 credits

Developing and protecting groundwater resources are critical for many communities around the globe. In this module you will learn how groundwater fits into the hydrological cycle and the key methods and concepts used by hydrogeologists to evaluate, extract, and safeguard groundwater resources. You will learn fundamental knowledge related to the characterisation of groundwater resources, such as the key features of rocks and soils that determine whether they are hydraulically conductive, the estimation of subsurface flow regimes, the chemical evolution of natural groundwaters, and the interpretation of hydrogeological maps. This module will also explore issues around from groundwater extraction, such as artificial recharge technologies, vulnerability to pollution, and the sustainable management of groundwater resources.

Engineering Geology – 10 credits

Engineering Geology is the largest employment field for professional geoscientists and is a subject that bridges the fields of geology, engineering, geomorphology, structural geology, geophysics, geomechanics and geochemistry. The module considers all the above, but the most important role of an engineering geologist is identifying potential hazards and adverse geological conditions through the studying of landforms and ground processes. You’ll learn the role of an engineering geologist through both taught material and practical exercises and understand their importance in mitigating the potential hazards of ground-structure interaction.

Earthquakes, Fluids, and Geosolutions – 10 credits

Delve into advanced structural geology to understand tectonic hazards and the generation of green energy. We will explore the nature of faults, earthquakes and deformation on different scales in time and space. You'll learn practical skills in earth observation, quantitative microstructural analyses and modern analysis techniques to determine subsurface geology. This module will equip you with the fundamental knowledge to apply structural geology to the global challenges of the future.

Strategic Energy Issues – 10 credits

Explore a series of current topics regarding the development of energy resources, weighing up information and opinions from a variety of sources. You’ll be expected to prepare reports and make seminar presentations on a series of topics, drawing on your academic background. A key feature of this module is working together in groups from different degree programmes to prepare a multidisciplinary seminar.

Environmental Risk: Science, Policy, and Management – 10 credits

The aim of this module is to provide a holistic understanding of the links between environmental risk, management and communication, and how these three components have effects on environmental policy and decision-making to aid sustainable development. The objectives are to provide you with the basic concepts of the definitions of risk, risk calculation and risk assessment approaches and methods, risk perceptions, the contemporary environmental risk management strategies, and the role and technique of risk communication in decision making.


Ask any of our students and they will tell you that taking part in fieldwork is one of the most enjoyable and memorable aspects of the course. We offer a range of increasingly sustainable fieldwork opportunities, giving you the chance to study a fascinating subject in contrasting environments away from the University.

Fieldwork is integrated with lectures and module coursework, giving you the opportunity to:

  • Practice the skills you have learnt in class in real-world situations.
  • Gain first-hand experience of collecting and analysing environmental data.
  • Build valuable individual and team research skills – vital for your final year research project.
  • Develop professional skills sought after by employers like project planning, communication and teamwork.
  • Get to know your lecturers and fellow students even better.

Our field trips are designed to be as environmentally sustainable as possible and balance their carbon footprint with the learning outcomes of the trip.

One-year optional work placement or study abroad

During your course, you’ll be given the opportunity to advance your skill set and experience further. You can apply to either undertake a one-year work placement or study abroad for a year, choosing from a selection of universities we’re in partnership with worldwide.

Learning and teaching

Most modules link lectures with practicals, workshops, or seminars, depending on the subject. These are enhanced with skill-focused classes, field trips and small group academic tutorials. You can expect to study in a variety of settings, from large lecture theatres to computer clusters, seminar rooms, tutorials, laboratories and out in the field. Our School is in the centre of the campus and provides an ideal working environment, offering quiet study areas when you are not in class.

We offer research-led teaching across the breadth of our disciplines, from specialists in their field. As Leeds is a research-intensive Russell Group University, you’ll be studying amongst staff who are actively participating in impactful research and who'll incorporate this expertise into their teaching.

You'll have a designated personal tutor throughout your studies at Leeds, who will be an academic member of staff. You'll have fortnightly academic tutorials with your tutor throughout your first two years, in your tutor group (of typically 5 students), as well as one-to-one meetings twice per semester. In addition, our excellent student support team is based close to where you’ll work and study to help with anything from academic advice to timetabling and project submission enquiries. You'll also receive support from fellow students through our peer mentoring scheme.

On this course, you’ll be taught by our expert academics, from lecturers through to professors. You may also be taught by industry professionals with years of experience, as well as trained postgraduate researchers, connecting you to some of the brightest minds on campus.


We use both exams and group and individual coursework, but with a general progression from exams in year 1 towards an emphasis on coursework in your final year.

To support you as you navigate assessment, we provide formative as well as summative assessment. Formative assessment gives staff an opportunity to give you feedback on personal progress, in good time before a summative deadline. Given the range of assessment types in any one level of study, formative assessment and feedback enables you to reflect upon your personal progress and establish which forms of assessment allow you to play to your strengths.

Additionally, the programme places emphasis on the development of teamwork skills, as they are becoming increasingly important in today's workplaces. Thus, group work opportunities are an integral part of the programme.

In your final year, the programme features a research project, which emphasises open-ended investigations and includes building a 3D geo-model, and a written dissertation and a group-based verbal presentations. The remaining modules will utilise a variety of assessment methods, including written exams, reports, and presentations.

Entry requirements

A-level: ABB including two from: Biology, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Physics, Environmental Science, Statistics, Geology, Computer Science, Geography, and Marine Science. If Geography and Geology are taken together, another science is preferred as a third subject.

Where an A-Level Science subject is taken, we require a pass in the practical science element, alongside the achievement of the A-Level at the stated grade.

Excludes A-Level General Studies or Critical Thinking.

GCSE: English and Mathematics at grade C (4) or above, or an appropriate English language and Mathematics qualification. We will accept Level 2 Functional Skills English in lieu of GCSE English.

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ): We recognise the value of this qualification and the effort and skills required to undertake it, where an applicant is taking the EPQ this may attract an alternative offer in addition to the standard offer. The EPQ taken with A-Levels, for example, could be BBB with an A in the EPQ.

Alternative qualification

Access to HE Diploma

Pass 60 credits overall with 45 credits at Level 3, 30 credits with Distinction and the remaining 15 credits with Merit or above.


DDM in National Extended Diploma/3 National Extended Certificates in two relevant subjects. We will accept a combination of BTECs and A-Levels. Please contact the School's Undergraduate Admissions Team for more information.

Cambridge Pre-U

D3, M2, M2 including two relevant subjects, one of which must be in mathematics or a science subject.

International Baccalaureate

16 points at higher level to include at least 5 points in two relevant subjects, one of which must be in mathematics or a science subject.

Irish Leaving Certificate (higher Level)

AAABBB/H2H2H2H3H3H3 in two relevant subjects, must be in mathematics or a science subject.

Scottish Highers / Advanced Highers

AABBB overall with BB in 2 Advanced Highers (AH). For non-AH applicants AABBBB. To include 2 relevant subjects one of which must be in a mathematics or a science subject.

Read more about UK and Republic of Ireland accepted qualifications or contact the School’s Undergraduate Admissions Team.

Alternative entry

We’re committed to identifying the best possible applicants, regardless of personal circumstances or background.

Access to Leeds is a contextual admissions scheme which accepts applications from individuals who might be from low income households, in the first generation of their immediate family to apply to higher education, or have had their studies disrupted.

Find out more about Access to Leeds and contextual admissions.

Typical Access to Leeds A Level offer: BBC plus a pass in the Access to Leeds scheme.

For alternative qualification offers please contact the admissions team.

Foundation years

If you do not have the formal qualifications for immediate entry to one of our degrees, you may be able to progress through a foundation year.

We offer a Studies in Science with Foundation Year BSc for students without science and mathematics qualifications.

You could also study our Interdisciplinary Science with Foundation Year BSc which is for applicants whose background is less represented at university.

On successful completion of your foundation year, you'll be able to progress onto your chosen course.


We accept a range of international equivalent qualifications. For more information, please contact the Admissions Team.

International Foundation Year

International students who do not meet the academic requirements for undergraduate study may be able to study the University of Leeds International Foundation Year. This gives you the opportunity to study on campus, be taught by University of Leeds academics and progress onto a wide range of Leeds undergraduate courses. Find out more about International Foundation Year programmes.

English language requirements

IELTS 6.0 overall, with no less than 5.5 in any component.. For other English qualifications, read English language equivalent qualifications.

Improve your English
If you're an international student and you don't meet the English language requirements for this programme, you may be able to study our undergraduate pre-sessional English course, to help improve your English language level.


UK: To be confirmed

International: £32,250 (per year)

Tuition fees for UK undergraduate students starting in 2024/25
Tuition fees for UK full-time undergraduate students are set by the UK Government and will be £9,250 for students starting in 2024/25.

The fee may increase in future years of your course in line with inflation only, as a consequence of future changes in Government legislation and as permitted by law.

Tuition fees for UK undergraduate students starting in 2025/26
Tuition fees for UK full-time undergraduate students starting in 2025/26 have not yet been confirmed by the UK government. When the fee is available we will update individual course pages.

Tuition fees for international undergraduate students starting in 2024/25 and 2025/26
Tuition fees for international students for 2024/25 are available on individual course pages. Fees for students starting in 2025/26 will be available from September 2024.

Tuition fees for a study abroad or work placement year
If you take a study abroad or work placement year, you’ll pay a reduced tuition fee during this period. For more information, see Study abroad and work placement tuition fees and loans.

Read more about paying fees and charges.

Additional cost information

Standard travel and accommodation costs associated with compulsory field trips are covered by the University. However, you must pay for some subsistence, incidental or personal expenses such as suitable clothing, footwear and any related visa costs associated with overseas travel.

There may be additional costs related to your course or programme of study, or related to being a student at the University of Leeds. Read more on our living costs and budgeting page.

Scholarships and financial support

If you have the talent and drive, we want you to be able to study with us, whatever your financial circumstances. There is help for students in the form of loans and non-repayable grants from the University and from the government. Find out more in our Undergraduate funding overview.

Faculty of Environment Undergraduate Bursary

UK students eligible for a reduced grade contextual offer will receive a cash bursary worth £1,000 to help with some of the costs of being at university.

International Undergraduate Excellence Scholarships

These scholarships are awarded to high achieving and particularly deserving international students. There are limited scholarships available.


Apply to this course and check the deadline for applications through the UCAS website.

We may consider applications submitted after the deadline. Availability of courses in UCAS Extra will be detailed on UCAS at the appropriate stage in the cycle.

Admissions guidance

Read our admissions guidance about applying and writing your personal statement.

What happens after you’ve applied

You can keep up to date with the progress of your application through UCAS.

UCAS will notify you when we make a decision on your application. If you receive an offer, you can inform us of your decision to accept or decline your place through UCAS.

How long will it take to receive a decision

We typically receive a high number of applications to our courses. For applications submitted by the January UCAS deadline, UCAS asks universities to make decisions by mid-May at the latest.

Offer holder events

If you receive an offer from us, you’ll be invited to an offer holder event. This event is more in-depth than an open day. It gives you the chance to learn more about your course and get your questions answered by academic staff and students. Plus, you can explore our campus, facilities and accommodation.

International applicants

International students apply through UCAS in the same way as UK students.

We recommend that international students apply as early as possible to ensure that they have time to apply for their visa.

Read about visas, immigration and other information here.

If you’re unsure about the application process, contact the admissions team for help.

Admissions policy

University of Leeds Admissions Policy 2025

This course is taught by

School of Earth and Environment

Contact us

School of Earth and Environment Undergraduate Admissions

Email: admissions@see.leeds.ac.uk

Career opportunities

Our Environmental Geoscience programme will provide high-quality training in areas that are considered vital to the UK and global economies, such as infrastructure projects and their resilience to geohazards and aligns with several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Several sub-disciplines are included on the ‘skills shortage lists’ published by governments in the UK and elsewhere, which means that graduate-level environmental geoscientists are in high demand. This means, in the coming decades, our Environmental Geoscience graduates will play a pivotal role in addressing various environmental challenges such as protecting and improving key natural resources (e.g., soils and groundwater), ensuring resilience from natural and environmental hazards, and establishing the infrastructure required for renewable energy to aid the transition towards a zero-carbon economy.

Plus, University of Leeds students are among the top 5 most targeted by top employers according to The Graduate Market 2024, High Fliers Research, meaning our graduates are highly sought after by some of the most reputable companies in the field.

Read our alumni profiles to find out more about where students from our School are now working.

Careers support

At Leeds, we help you to prepare for your future from day one. Our Leeds for Life initiative is designed to help you develop and demonstrate the skills and experience you need for when you graduate. We will help you to access opportunities across the University and record your key achievements so you are able to articulate them clearly and confidently.

You'll be supported throughout your studies by our dedicated Employability Team, who will provide you with specialist support and advice to help you find relevant work experience, internships and industrial placements, as well as graduate positions. You’ll benefit from timetabled employability sessions, support during internships and placements, and presentations and workshops delivered by employers.

You'll also have full access to the University’s Careers Centre, which is one of the largest in the country.

Study abroad and work placements

Study abroad

Studying abroad is a unique opportunity to explore the world, whilst gaining invaluable skills and experience that could enhance your future employability and career prospects too.

From Europe to Asia, the USA to Australasia, we have many University partners worldwide you can apply to, spanning across some of the most popular destinations for students.

This programme offers you the option to spend time abroad as an extra academic year and will extend your studies by 12 months.

Once you’ve successfully completed your year abroad, you'll be awarded the ‘international’ variant in your degree title which demonstrates your added experience to future employers.

Find out more at the Study Abroad website.

Work placements

A placement year is a great way to help you decide on a career path when you graduate. You’ll develop your skills and gain a real insight into working life in a particular company or sector. It will also help you to stand out in a competitive graduate jobs market and improve your chances of securing the career you want.

Benefits of a work placement year:

  • 100+ organisations to choose from, both in the UK and overseas
  • Build industry contacts within your chosen field
  • Our strong connections with industry mean you’ll be in direct contact with potential employers
  • Advance your experience and skills by putting the course teachings into practice
  • Gain invaluable insight into working as a professional in a particular company or sector
  • Improve your employability

If you decide to undertake a placement year, this will extend your period of study by 12 months and, on successful completion, you'll be awarded the ‘industrial’ variant in your degree title to demonstrate your added experience to future employers.

With the help and support of our dedicated Employability Team, you can find the right placement to suit you and your future career goals.

During your industrial placement, you'll have an industrial supervisor from within the company, plus an academic supervisor who will keep in touch throughout your placement.

Find out more about Industrial placements.