Computer Science (Industrial) MEng, BSc Duration 5 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAA UCAS code G403
English and Comparative Literature BA Duration 3 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAB UCAS code Q200
Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering BEng Duration 3 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAA UCAS code HH41
Electronics and Computer Engineering BEng Duration 3 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAA or AAB UCAS code H6B7
Mechanical Engineering (Industrial) MEng, BEng Duration 5 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer A*AA UCAS code H302
Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng Duration 3 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAA UCAS code H605
Natural Sciences (International) BSc Duration 4 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer A*AA UCAS code BCF5
Automotive Engineering (Industrial) MEng, BEng Duration 5 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer A*AA UCAS code H332
Modern Languages and Philosophy BA Duration 4 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAB UCAS code V5R1
Civil and Structural Engineering MEng, BEng Duration 4 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAA UCAS code H200
Chartered Manager (Degree) Apprenticeship BSc Duration 4 Years (Part time) Typical A-level offer 3 A-level passes excluding Critical Thinking and General Studies or equivalent.
Architectural Engineering (Industrial) MEng, BEng Duration 5 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAA UCAS code HK23
Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering BEng Duration 3 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer A*AA UCAS code H415
Chemical Engineering (Industrial) MEng, BEng Duration 5 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAA UCAS code H802
Materials Science and Engineering BEng Duration 3 Years (Full time) Typical A-level offer AAB UCAS code J510